I Do It Today

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Oko 's P.O.V.

I got my answer sooner then expected. And the top 5 are:

Me, Megamo, Info - Kun, Osoro, and Asu.

See anyone missing, because I do. Only my childhood friend, my opposite. The friend who I stopped hanging out with because we got to busy with school, and clubs. The only person who thought my look was really cool, other then the occult club. The person I thought I had once liked, not even a few years ago. 

Do I sound piss, I should because I am. But, the thing is I can't stop crying. And it's hard to be mad with tears and snot running down your face.

And at that moment I gave up on the game. I didn't care anymore all I cared about was saving my friend.

And of course are school was in the auditorium for two hours for a funeral service and a lecture, but something made me pay attention. "As you all know this isn't are first death at this school. And I'm saying this now oppress school will be shut down soon if this continues. We already have a good system and a club checking to make sure we can find out the deaths of all the other students."

When they asked for questions I was the only one to raise my hand. "Yes sir?" The principal asked a little surprised. "What club is monitoring the cameras?" The principal said "The Inf-" but he got cut off by someone else saying "We can not say this Info for personal reasons." And the principal nodded not even caring anymore.

I sighed and realized that Amao might be dead all because of that stupid Info -Kun. But as of right now I can't worry about that I have to try and bring him back.

I have never successfully done any thing like this, or even near it. But as of right now I will bring him back even if it kills me.

I walked to class knowing I couldn't do it till after school sighing I sat down in my seat. Honestly I'm craving to be in the club room. I have never done anything like this is in my life. I wonder if I can actually do it, actually what will happen if I cant? I could get seriously hurt or Amao could be uncomfortable like in all those movies.

I sighed as the teacher started talking. I can already tell that today is going to be a long day, longer then what most days feel like. I picked up my book and started to read, even after seeing the disapproving look the teacher gave me. 

The good thing was the book I was reading was the book that was usually in the club room. It had all sorts of powerful spells, and rituals in it. I flipped to the page that I've actually been reading since I joined the club. How to bring someone back to life. At first it was because it seemed like a cool spell, but when I became the leader and I could freely look in the book it became so much more. 

And now its the way I bring back my friend back to life. The only thing I have to think of is how I will explain this all to everyone. Because I don't want him to be bullied for bringing back to life, and some people will not believe it and just say it was a prank so that's my best bet. He might get in trouble but that's better then being dead.

I glanced at the clock on the wall and the class was only half over. If only I could space out like that till the end of day. It would be so much faster as well.  I realized the class had gone silent and they were all looking at the back of the class. Of course, I turned around and saw Ayano standing there looking dead at me. 

I just nervously look at my hands while the teacher said "Yes Mrs?" Ayano took a deep breath and said "I need Oko for the rest of class and I have a note if you need to see it." She said it with confidence but her hands were shaking. 

She was scared and the only bad thing is i just wanted to go up and hug her and say it was okay. But, I realize I'm the one who is always scarred. I couldn't be the strong one unless I changed. It took me a second to realize Ayano had taken my hand and had pulled me out of my thoughts and chair. 

She took me to the back of the school when I realized that we weren't going to any school room. And for once I was glad Ayano had a good reputation. 

She stopped walking and I realized that we were under the cherry blossom tree. And I had a thought in my head that maybe she was confessing to me, but not only was it not Friday you're not supposed to do it in the middle of class.

She looked me in the eyes and said "I know what your doing." I took a small step back honestly not expecting that. She continued "Oko you know what you're doing isn't right. There's such a small chance of it working. Plus, you're breaking so many rules that even I didn't know existed till last night." She paused and I felt like if I didn't say anything I never would. I straighten up and I realized I was slightly taller then her. 

"Ayano I'm not going to lie he was my best friend, and I didn't spend enough time with him, and if it didn't work it doesn't but I have to try." She held her hands tightly so I took them and said "I like you, a lot. But I have to do this and nothing you say will change my mind." She spoke up and almost whispered "  know you miss him a lot more then  do or ever could, but this is not worth it." 

At that moment my voice got a little louder scaring both of us "I'm doing this wether you like it or not! Got it?" I asked a question but there was only really one answer. She sighed and said "Okay." And she gave me a small smile. Making me blush a bit and cursing my crush on her.

God when did things get like this. I still remember when the biggest problem was the next club meeting. 

Ayano left before me and  just sat against the tree. Hating the headache that was coming up. The worst part is the thought that came nex , that even though I was talking about Amao I wasn't thinking about him. I was mostly thinking about Ayano. Having a ton of questions like how did she find out, and why she didn't react to my confession if she even heard it.

I got up when I heard the bell ring signaling that class was over. All I have to do now is get through the rest of the day and the club activity's, and then I would bring back Amao.

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