Good Stress

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Ayano's P.O.V.

They didn't come last night, So I decided to go to school just because I can't miss any work. While I was getting ready I heard a knock on my door, I then heard yelling and some unique words. I opened the door to be surprised, I figured that Osano would pick me up but not Osoro. He answered my question when he said "I forgot my jacket last night here, oh and I tried to tell this idiot you wouldn't be going to school today." I sighed and said "Well they never came and if they really need me they'll pull me out again." Osano looked very surprised "Wait so he actually came to your house yesterday, I waited for half an hour after school for you." He sounded angry and a tad bit hurt. "Well I figured you would've heard me leaving because -" he cut me off by saying "How was I supposed to see you leave if you supposedly left in the middle of class!" I took a deep breath and then continued to say "Well if you would've let me finish, I was going to say that I left in the middle of class that we shared." His face turned red and he turned away and 'humphed' I just continued to walk to school. The boys quickly followed me and when I got to the end of the street Budo joined the group. "Also I figured you would leave your jacket so I put it your bag right before you left." I said while glancing at Osoro who looked surprised. Budo looked at me strangely "You let him in your house?" I simply nodded Budo twitched a little but I decided to ignore it. "Well see you later." I say to them all while going to the cherry blossom tree in the back of the school.

While walking there I saw a boy with light purple and light blue hair, he saw me walking up to the tree because he smiled and said "Hello Ayano, it's nice to see you interacting with people." I sighed and said "So how was your sisters funeral?" I tried not to smile or smirk. He looked angry, even in this world his sister died. He then said "It was sad the first time, experiencing it twice was not fun." I then smiled and said "So it's not just me that sees how everyone is reversed, well except us." He just looked pass me. In the 'other' world he was still alive him and his sister got split up when little and happened to be named almost the exact same name. He got found out a few days before his sister died. "I know you did it, I still saw it." Also he saw me murder her and I saw me kill him. "So is it nice being alive again?" I say with a smirk. He looked sick so I said "You should go to the nurse." After that I turn around and before I was out of ear reach I said "You know even in this world I was emotionless, I kind of hope that I will be a better person hear I know you could never forgive me but just remember that I am trying." I look back and smiled and finished with "So lets not be enemy's just yet." His face went red, I just barely saw it before he turned around and muttered something. While walking back to class I heard the warning bell that we needed to get to class.

Time skip brought by Jacksepticeyes voice

Once class was over and I talked to the teacher in case I wasn't in class tomorrow, I decided to eat under the cherry blossom tree again. Not even two minutes I saw 4 boys who were all yelling at each other. I sighed and yelled "Just come over here and eat." All the boys stopped yelling and quickly sat down. "You know you yelled at us not to yell." Megamo said quietly. "Yeah but it worked did it not." I replied and ate my bento. All the boys started talking and was surprisingly talking too. I decided to ask Megamo out of random why he was here. His face turned red and he replied with "You said to try and be nice to each other so I thought could talk to you more to do so." It sounded a lot like an excuse but I let it pass. I looked at the other boys Osano was arguing with Budo about something so they didn't here what we said, but Osoro was listening and looked a little pissed. (A little is an under statement his eyes were almost FUCKING RED AYANO!!!) I then heard the bell and said "We should probably get back to the school so we won't be late." Megamo looked surprised. 

Megamo's P.O.V.

I'm a little more then surprised, the girl I knew skipped class all the time unless she needed to learn something. She must've seen my surprised look because she smirked and said "I can be a good kid." I coughed A good kid my ass. I said "I'm just happy you can keep these 3 in order." I said while walking behind her, I saw for a split second her smile. "Well lets get back." I heard Osoro say

While walking back I got a text on my phone, I looked at it, it was an unknown number. I read it

Unknown number: Hello

Megamo: Who is this?  

Unknown: I'm Info - kun

Megamo: I heard about you, What do you want?

Info - kun: I want you to know a lot of people me included are after that girls heart. So be ready to fight for her.

Megamo: I don't like her!

Info - kun: Which is why you knew exactly who I was talking about.

What?! How does he know, it's like he's got cameras everywhere and been stalking me. 

Info - kun: I have cameras everywhere and I'm letting you know I'm your rival. 

Megamo: What do you mean your my rival?

Info - kun:  Everyone has a rival. I'm your rival.

Megamo: Who's everyone else's rival?

Info- kun: That's for me to know but because I'm nice I'll tell you something.

Megamo: What?

Info - kun I'm actually everyone's rival, You'll see your rivals on there phone 5 minutes after this

Megamo: Why are you doing this.

Info - kun:  That doesn't matter until  every rival is introduced I don't really matter, so goodbye.

Even though I wanted to keep talking I knew he wouldn't text back. This is going to be a crazy year I can tell. 


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