The Mean Girl Has A Crush

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Nem 's P.O.V.

Okay today's the day, the day I ask Ayano -chan. I wonder what she'll say? I walk to her table and sit down across from her, she gives me a fake smile and says "Hello." I must've looked confused because she asked "What's wrong?" I then said "Can you eat lunch with me today, just the two of us." She then quickly nodded and said "Sure, why not." We went to a table that not many people say at and I said "You don't have to act around me." She looked a little shocked I countiuned with "Oh and I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date." I looked back at her and she said "Well I don't date girls so no. Also from now on we're going to sit here, just the two of us." I then said "Wow, mean and bossy." She smirked and said "Well you fell for me and you said I didn't have to act around you, your fault." I smiled and then said "So tell me about your self." She then told me a few things and said "Even though I don't really care, tell me things about you."

Present Nem -chan's P.O.V.

Who would've guessed that we would still be friends to this day. Looking at my clock and realizing what time it was I decided to get ready for bed. "Tomorrow is going to be a long and fun day, well hopefully fun."


I uploaded a lot more then I thought I would...
Anyway the last two are short because she's a small character
Also A/N will not usually be here.
Oh and thank you for reading
Thanks for being supportive
Goodbye now!

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