The Team Of 3 Rivals

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Ayano's P.O.V.

Usually when I make breakfast, it's just toast, but since I now have a little brother I decided to make a big breakfast for us. Okay well not really a big bereakfast, just french toast and eggs. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs so I set down his plate. "Hey Yan -chan. Good morning." I smiled and said "Good morning, I made your breakfast already." He looked at the table then attacked me in a hug. "Thank you, you never make breakfast for us." He quickly sat down and started eating. Wait, I never made breakfast for him. "Well I'm going to try and make breakfast every morning." I say while sitting down and eating my breakfast. He looked at me with a certain sparkle in his eyes. "I don't know what made you act this way, but whatever it is I love it!" He said before eating the last of his food. I picked up our plates with a small smile on my face "Well I should probably get going to school." He gave me a hug bye and before I left I said "Don't be late to your school." He pouted and said "Just a few more days and I get to go to your school." I smiled and nodded "Well not yet, bye." And then turned to go to school.

I noticed half way there that a certain orange haired boy wasn't pestering me. I wonder if he's still mad about the whole first friend thing. While wondering why I didn't have a bunch of boys around me, I ran into another three. "Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I bowed, I looked up to see all 3 with a surprised face. "Are you guys new I haven't seen you around school." Two of them smiled and one just looked nervous, "Well actually were the leaders of the sports, baking and occult club, I'm the sports club leader, and my name is Asu." The boy with blonde hair said. I just nodded and the boy with light brown hair said "Oh and I'm the leader of the baking club, and my name is Amao." He said with a warm smile. I looked at the last boy to introduce himself, he finally realized after five awkward seconds. "O-oh I'm the leader of the occult club." He stared me for a second then said "And my name is Oko."  I nodded and said "Well nice to meet you three, oh and I'm not really looking for a club to join so don't even try." They all ooked at me shocked, "Well I'm open about my thoughts if you want to be friends you should know that." I said with a shrug. "Oh so you want to be friends." Asu said wiith a smirk on his face. "Obiously you guys want to be my friends, I'm not blind nor stupid, but if you guys don't want to be then nevermind." I say turning around. "W-wait we do want to be your friend." He said. I just smiled and said "Well new friends it's been lovely but we should probaley get to class."

The group of rivals narrator P.O.V.

The three boys were a little shocked as there hearts beated fast. At the same time they all got a text

Unkown: Hello boys, my name doesn't matter so you can call me Info -kun. I will let you know that there are many boys trying to get that girls heart. You three are the group of rivals, have fun.

Info -kun: Oh and I'm the last rival so you won't see me until then, once you do then it gets interesting.

All the boys looked at each other and finally Asu said "Well then maybe we should collect info on all the other rivals."  The other two nodded in agrement. "Yeah but Ayano was right we should probaly get to class." Amao said. The three boys went to class, and said there goodbyes and made plans to meet in the court yard at lunch.

As soon as the bell rang all three boys ran out of the class to go to the court yard, but on their way there they saw Megamo talking on the phone with someone, they decided to listen in "Okay infp -kun I understand, I ned to watch after her but seirously I need to know the other rivals if I'm going to protect her." He paused for a second and said "Okay, hold up let me write it down." He took out a note pad and they heard him whisper while he was writing, "Budo, Osoro, Osano, wait Hanako but isn't that Taro's little sisters name but a boy?" He paused and then said "Oh it's now her little brother good to know. Oh countinue, a group of three Oko, Asu, and Amao, Anyone eles?" Then he said "Oh Kizzano and Muio, and Mido. Wait aren't the last two teachers?" He then had a face of disgust "That's gross. Oh and I'm just making sure it's the same as the other world. Okay bye." The boys looked at each other verry confused the same question on all their minds 'What other world?'

The three boys decided to follow the student president. He went to Ayano and even though they didn't want to get caught be Ayano and make her mad the boys thought it was for the best. "So how are you ithis new world." Megamo said. Ayano chuckled and said "Well it's pretty nice, I'm not a killer." The boys shocked continued to listen "About that, we can't let anyone found out that we're form another world, they would freak." Megamo said very seirously. "You don't know this only me and Info -kun know, but I'm telling you because your from the other world." Ayano said to a confused Megamo "What?" He asked. "Well this is actully a book." She said. "Wait, really?" Ayano sighed "Yeah, but there are already to many charcters that know about this, so keep your mouth shut." He just nodded and said "Do you know why this is all happeing then?" Ayano Shook her head no. Megamo sighed in releife "Okay, well lunch is almost over so goodbye." The boys quickly ran back to school. Oko said "Let's talk about this after all our club activites are over.

All the boys walked to a park after the teacher kicked them out. Oko then said "So right now we're all in a book." Asu then said " And a bunch of boys are trying to get Ayano's heart, and I'm guessing we would kill for it." Amao then said "So we're the only 'rivals' that are in a group and that aren't from te other world that know about it." They then disscused it for awhile about what they we're going to do, every single one of them forgetting that they all three couldn't have her.

I guess they'll figure it after awhile, hopefully.

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