Heart Broken

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Ayano's​ P.O.V.

         I was at the Sakura tree waiting for Senpai. I could picture it, my happily ever after it would be perfect. I heard someone huffing and puffing up  the hill. I turned around and saw my beloved Senpai, after he got his breath back he said a little disappointed  "Are you the person who sent the love note?" I looked at him a little shy and whispered "Yeah that was me. I did it because Senpai your the first boy who's ever made me feel and I want to be your girlfriend!" He gave me a sad smile and almost whispered "I'm actually moving tomorrow, I thought everyone knew." I looked away and silently cried, he sadly smiled and then walked away.

Taro's P.O.V.    

Thank god I'm leaving tomorrow everyone told me she's a total psychopath! I hope I never run into her again, nothing but bad things happened since I ran into her on the first day of school. She was also really quite and had a murderess look all the time. Then again she's not that important I should probably just forget her.

Ayano's P.O.V.

I walked home to an empty house it was sad, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Info - kun : Get over him, he wasn't worth it

Yandere - Chan :  What do I have to do to keep your mouth shut

Info - kun : O h you know me to well , I'll leave it for later, goodbye for know ;)

Yandere - Chan : Okay goodbye.

I  put my phone down and told my self to get over it and go back to that emotionless doll I was when I was little, besides my dad is not here anyway so it's not like it matters. I guess my life won't have that happily ever after.

The next week goes by as any normal week could go for her but some new characters or students are joining today

I was walking through the building and I heard a scream from the front of the building worrying it was the cops and they actually found out it was me who murdered those girls, so I decided to check it out. I decided to walk to not look suspicious and when I got there I only saw a bunch of boys talking to each other some laughing some mad and some or 1 scared. I let out a breath I must've been holding in and returned to my normal classes. I don't know why but I feel like a big thing is going to happen I just hope I don't get caught up in it...

Thank you for all the support you guys are awesome I'm updating another one today too

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