More New Kids?

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Ayano 's P.O.V.

At the end of dinner I cleaned up the place. Hanako went up stairs, most likely pouting, I don't think he wanted them to cover. Then again if he didn't want them over why would he offer it, maybe to be polite. Well that doesn't matter I still need to get a shower and the house could use some cleaning. I should probably check up on Hanako, but he's a big boy now he should be able to handle himself, besides I can't be around him every hour of the day. I sighed, then again he might just want to be around me while he still can. I think I should clear my head, everything and everyone is getting to me.

After a nice hot shower I think I  feel a bit better. I decide to talk to Hanako, he probably needs his big sister right now. When I opened up his door, I was surprised to see it perfectly clean, but something was missing, or someone was. I searched all over his room, he wasn't anywhere. I walked all over the house I couldn't find him, the only place I haven't checked was the basement.

As I was walking to the door I was terrified, so many bad things happened in here 'No it happened in your basement, not here' I guess I forgot that I don't actually live here. I had to tell my self right before I opened the door "Your doing this for Hanako." As I walked into the basement the air was still. The only good thing in here was Hanako. As soon as he saw me he quickly started explaining "I'm sorry, I just needed somewhere to think. What are you even doing down here, I thought you were scared to go down her. Are you okay?" He was talking a mile a minute. "I'm fine, I thought something happened to you." He shakes his head "I would never leave you." He smiled, which made me feel better. "Come on we should be going to bed."

After last night I realized I would probably go back to that emotionless doll I was. We didn't even get to end of the street before the boys came rushing at us, us being Nem -Chan and Hanako. While the boys were talking I heard them saying "Yeah did you here, supposedly some more new kids are coming." I sighed "More, because you guys weren't enough?" Nem -Chan laughed "Are they already wearing you out?" I just nodded at her. We came up to the school and all I could see was a crowd. Of course a new student means chaos. Through the crown I could see red hair. A guy came pushing through the crowd saying "I'm not a new student, I'm the leader of the Info club." If that took me by surprise the thing he said next defiantly did "Did Ayano - Chan not tell you?" He said it as if I actually knew.

I quickly grabbed him and pulled him off to the part  of school most kids don't go to. "What the hell Info -kun, I have a few questions for you." He just had a small smile "Ask away." After he said that I went off "Well A. Why are you here? B. Why did you pull me in this? C. Are you even real?" He chuckled after the last one "Well I'm here because I need to be for the story to continue, I didn't really pull you in this, also I think I'm as real as we can get, well here at least." I just sighed, "So does that mean the story's over?" He had a smirk on his face and said "Far from it." Well then come on we need to get back to the school.

When we got back we saw all the boys crowded around someone. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" The boys backed away revealing a true horror, "Oh it's just her, what do you guys want me? I guess it is big news that I came back." The boy that broke me right after he fixed me came back. "Taro Yamada, I hope you got every bit of karma you deserved." He looked at me strange, so I said something to clear everything up,

"You broke me, right after I thought you fixed me. Your a horrible person who plays with people. I hate you."

And with that I turned around and started walking inside the school.   

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