Telling The Others

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Oko 's P.O.V. 

He did it. I saw it all I heard the conversation. And I think he heard me in the hallway because all the noise coming from the room stoped. So I did the only thing that I think I could do. I ran and made sure not to say a word, just in case so he wouldn't find out it was me.

The bad thing was that me and Amao and Aso we were all talking about how we could end the game, and not end any lives.

It's funny how the three club leaders want everyone to try and be friendly to each other.

What's even worse is why though. Yes, we don't want anyone killing each other although it is to late for that.

Its because we all have disadvantages, like I'm to shy and weak. Amao is too friendly and sadly isn't that strong even though he dies a lot of mixing and carrying. And Aso just hated violence for some reason. But in honest we all shared one big reason. Which is none of us are close enough to her. We knew we would lose that way. But, if she were to find out about all the deaths they were all going to cause and we weren't it would be down to us three.

As I get down the hall I here no footsteps so I go quickly outside to go meet with the other two out by the track. I told them I went to the bathroom so they said they would wait. 

I saw them talking and laughing I knew that wouldn't be lasting for long. As I walked up to them their laughter slowly died out when they saw the look on my face. 

"Hey Oso what's up?" Aso asked his face forming into a serious look. And I look over to Amao and he has a look of concern. And I start off the conversation with "Another ones dead."

*Time skip brought to you by night core and good weather from Missouri*

Okay so I'll admit I probably shouldn't have started it off that way. It took a long time to explain to them. It didn't help that I had to go back and keep repeating myself because they said "They had to be sure about everything." So it took almost  one and half hours to explain it all. 

As the conversation went silent Amao spoke up saying "How is Ayano going to be?" And no one said anything because we all knew the answer, devastated. 

And a thought crossed my mind Ayano has been acting less of a doll, and we were all taking advantage of this. She's going to go back in that state if we keep doing this. And I don't think anyone has really realized this yet.

But the real sickening thought is that they might know.

All of a sudden Aso spoke up "Hey we should all go home. And for now all we can do is be there for her and stop the murder." Amao laughed and smiled sadly "When did it become easy to talk about murder?" And in that moment we all looked a little bit older. Less like teenagers worrying about the next test to who's going to be dead next.

When n one answered Amao laughed again and then just left, not saying a single word. Aso looked at me and he looked as concerned as I felt. We said are goodbyes and went home.

When I got home I hugged my dad and said "Thank you." Before leaving him and his boyfriend confused. And I sighed when I got into my room before turning back around and said "That was meant for both of you." Before returning to my room.

I smiled before realizing there was only me, Aso, Amao, Osoro, Megamo, And Info - Kun. We are the last 6. Now the question is who's going to make it to the top 5.

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