Just Taro Yamada

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Ayano 's P.O.V.

The worst part of most students days is usually class, and I usually get irritated by how much I here that. Today though I also dreaded that part, because Taro Yamada decided to switch to my class, I heard Info -Kun whispers something about "Stupid hair color.", But right now I'm more worried about how I'm not going to be able to kill him.

As I walked into the classroom a lot of my peers looked my way, then again I was getting dropped off my a bunch of over protective guys, "You guys should get to class, you guys wouldn't be late right in front of the student president." All the boys turned to Megamo and he sighed and put on his strict face "She is right, we should all be going to class." After everyone left Osano stuck around and said "I'm asking if I can transfer to this class, so you won't be alone for long." He gave me a small smile, which I tried to return, he turned around quickly, but even I could see the small blush on his cheeks.

I sat down right as the bells chimed, now the teacher can't count me as tardy. Of course Taro walked in late, but he had a smile on his face, and it got even brighter when he saw the teacher, but the smile didn't last for long. "Mr. Yamada you are late to class, make it to class on time." The teacher scolded Taro. Honestly it took a bit of will power not to laugh, but a chuckle still exscaped.

Taro 's P.O.V.

I can't believe the teacher got mad at me, and that the teacher is a guy. Not even a few months ago every teacher loved me, this school year should be very interesting. It took me a second to recognize a small laugh. The girl that was laughing was that weirdo that gave her love to before we moved.

The whole reason we moved was to start a new life, my mom just wanted to move, to get that better life. My dad of course did not like the idea. Life was not easy over there. My grandparents payed half of our trip back. We just couldn't survive there.

As I started to pay attention in class I realized that the girl, the weirdo, was answering most of the questions. I can't let her do that, I'm the good polite student not her. I rose my hand, I didn't even know what he asked, but I think it was worth it. "Yes Me. Yamada." I couldn't give him a random answer, "Can you please say the question again." The whole class bursted in laughter "Does anyone not know how to do basic math." I felt my face flush. I don't know why but I instantly looked at the weird girl, she wasn't laughing like the rest of the kids, but she was chuckling, it sounded kind of cute. "Mr. Yamada, Ayano can not help you right now. Anyway class back to the problem." I listened to him, although I don't like him I can't embarrasse myself again.

After class was done I went out to the fountain, now that I wasn't there some new people took my place, it was the two gamers. Sighing I decided to go to the chairy blossom tree, but sadly even that place was taken up, by Ayano, I think that's her name. The only thing that bothered me was that she wasn't alone, she had a bunch on guys around her. How, I have no clue, yeah she was pretty but she looked like the only normal girl here, if there so attracked to normal girls they need to go to a new school.  I decided to eat by the little fountain near the front of the school, it is peaceful, but obviously two purple haired classmates did not see me. I decided not to eat here again. I stood up not wanting to disturb any more students, I realized the only place I could eat left was the roof. While walking on to the roof and sitting on a bench I felt so alone. As I finished my lunch I heard the warning bell ring, honestly I hope the whole school year is not like this.

Time skip from The Great Adventures Of Billy And Bob  

As the school day ended and I was putting up my things I felt a little sad, no one was even sparing me a glance. I decided to go to the councilors office to see if I could get my schedule changed. I passed by a few people and heard a bit of their conversation, "You know Taro's back." I decided to hind around the corner to see what they were saying about me. "Yeah, I know but it all honesty who really cares, I don't." It actually hurt, I use to be at the top not even trying, and now they don't even see me and I'm right behind them. All of a sudden O heard someone behind me "Sucks being at the bottom, that no one even pays attention to you." I look behind me to see a group of guys, the ones always around Ayano "Now your just Taro Yamada." Then they walked off, leaving me in a sad mess.

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