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Ayanos P.O.V.

I was doing a bit better right now. I can't lie and say it wasn't effective g me at all. But, as long as I can have a normal day today I won't just stare at a wall.

As soon as I got done crying yesterday I was so mad at myself but more at the person who did all of this. Killing two people I loved dearly. It makes me want to torture them and keep them just barely alive. Especially the person who killed Budo he was there for me when I needed it. I'm not stupid either there deaths are connected in some way I just need to figure out who it is before it spreads.

I looked up feeling a bit better and I know that it must be weird and will ruin my reputation if I'm looking at the floor.

I shouldn't have done that.

It's not even obvious. It's just there on the wall. People are pasting it like it's the flyers on that damn board. Osano's face with his name and date he went missing. I can't believe it he left me to? First in as Taro then Budo and now Osano its repeating. How long before I stand all alone with just the killer.

I just need to sit down I don't care if it's in the middle of the hall way I need to. If I don't I'll collapse anyway. Besides, they'll all just walk around me and think I'm weird.

Getting pulled out of my thoughts by shaking I saw Hanako with a few worried boys right behind him.  "Ayano what's wrong?" I looked at the poster and when he looked that way it took him a second but his eyes widen surprised. "I'm so sorry Ayano -Chan I wish I would've realized sooner." Even Hanako didn't see it that proves me right I guess.

The guys helped me up and said practically the same thing "Don't worry Ayano we'll find him." The thing is I have a feeling they never will. I hate to say this but two of my friends die and one of them is 'missing' and I just doubt they'll find him alive.

We decided to go to the cherry blossom tree so we don't sit where Osano use to drag us every few days. As I sat down I felt like its been forever since I've done this. Its going to be winter break soon though which means I should start getting ready for it. it doesn't help I have no clue if my parents are coming home or not.

"She's just thinking it doesn't look like she is depressed." I heard I look towards the voice and see Hanako trying to explain what I was doing to everyone. "She's probably thinking about the break that's coming up or school or even how nice a day it is we don't know." I guess he's worried what  kind of big sister am I? I should get over myself and try to help in ways there's no use in me being sad which is still such a new emotion that I hate so much.

All these new emotions are getting me at first I had to fake everything and now it just happens even when I don't want it to. I hate it these people are making me more human when I didn't need it.

I laughed and said "I'm fine just thinking." I don't think could tell I was acting of course not they don't care enough nor am I that bad of an actress. I just sat there blankly not wanting to say anything or listen to what they were saying.

I heard the bell ring and cursed under my breath. There's no way I'll be able to focus in class. And my teacher loves making me stand up and answer questions. I thought he would go maybe a little easier on me because he knows me but I was wrong.

I stood up and walked with them to my class. They always say that they have to drop me off first for some unknown reason. That becomes more clear everyday, but I can't think like that.

As I enter class I hear Mida say "I guess Osano isn't here today." Then a second later someone says "Actually he's missing sir no one can find him." I grit my teeth hearing everyone talk about Osano so kindly and say they miss him even though they all said the opposite just a few days ago. There fake and teachers fall for it to sometimes they do the same thing as the students. It's disgusting almost as bad as throwing yourself as someone.

My teacher or Mida says "Now that is sad but I'm sure he'll turn up sooner or later for now lets get on this lesson." I sighed in relief but tried to hide my face I don't really want to talk right now because I might just say something stupid.

He never called on me.  


I'm sorry for taking 3 months off this book!

I am going to start updating again

I just didn't want it to start repeating haha...

Also thank you to anyone who is still reading after all this time

and for still supporting me!

That's all

for now...


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