Her First Real Friend

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Ayano's P.O.V.

           After those few awkward seconds of Osano glaring at and Budo glaring at the boy eyeing me. He said "I'm Osoro the leader of the delinquents and who might you be?" Coming to close for my liking. "I'm Ayano and take a step back." II said giving him a glare, obviously not use to girls doing this he took a step back a little stunned. "Wow Osoro I've never seen you look so scared." Budo said while laughing. "I wasn't scared just a little stunned." He muttered. "Whatever, I don't care so I'm going to class." I said and turned around to get back on my schedule, "Yeah we should probably get going don't want Sensei to get mad at us." Osano spoke up he grabbed my hand and dragged me to class.  I sat in my seat a little bit away from Osano, I sighed and started to do my work thinking 'these boys are going to be annoying there's no way it can get worse.'

Time skip because class work is boring...

After class was over I went up to eat by the Sakura tree the one where I turned back to an emotionless doll. While I was eating I saw a group of certain boys  all of them yelling at each other, it took me a second to realize that they were heading towards me. A few seconds later they all sat down beside me and started to eat. "Oh you have a bento." A heard Osano mutter. I chose to ignore it and said "Why are you guys eating over here?" "You can't be that dense can you?" Osoro said more to the two boys then me. I sighed and said "Well seeing as all of you have a bunch of fans I thought you would rather go show off then sit with 'the doll'. Also don't you have to go hang out with your gang." I took a bite of my bento all the boys looked at me a little surprised. "Well were your friends but she is right Osoro maybe you should just leave." Budo said a little to agitated. Before Osoro could even talk Osano said "Actually as her first friend I don't recall her ever calling you her friend." "What? I've been friends with Ayano since... before I can remember." Budo said with a smile as if he was having flash backs.

Budo's P.O.V.

I had a flash back of how me and Ayano met, a bad fairy tail gone good...

I was sitting in the corner a couple of bullies  had just beaten me up a girl who had as many bruises as I did  she didn't have a smile on her face but she came over and helped me up "I hate those bullies they make me feel rage."  I looked at her she looked so pretty "You know you should  smile." I just  blurted out, I looked at her and she looked confused. "My mom smiles she said  I wouldn't really smile until I found my true love."  She said with a blank face. I smiled and said "Like this happy people are the best people." She looked at me and then gave me a smile. "Okay I'll smile more." We talked and she smiled more.

What a happy memory. I smiled to my self I must've got caught up with my club to think about Ayano...

Ayano's P.O.V.

I smiled too, he was one of the only people that wanted me to smile. "W-well Ayano doesn't remember that right?" He asked me and for some reason I laughed I real laugh this no emotion just made me do it , of course I've laughed before but not as sweetly as I did still a little surprised I said "Actually Budo was the first person to make me smile." Everyone looked a little surprised and Budo spoke up and said "Yeah you didn't even know how to do it at first, I remember it like it was yesterday." Even as far away from the school we could here the bell. "I guess we should probably get going." I said while standing up. "Why does he get to share his story first?" I could here Osano say under his breath. What does that even me? It's not like each part of the day or days or going to have a different boy to share their story...

Oh at least that's what she thinks ;)

Also thank all of you guys who read, vote and even comment it really makes me happy and just letting you know I'm not going to update every single day.

So THANKYOU!!!! Now you can read some other / more books!

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