The Two High School Kids

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Ayano's P.O.V.

I was going to P.E. its not my favorite, but I still can manage. I usually walk by my self, but with this new power to attract every boy around me, I ended up walking with Asu and Budo to my next class.

When we got into class, I could see the fan girls glaring at me. I could care less, but glancing at the two boys next to me and I could tell they do. The coach's smile was bright when she saw me walking with the two athletes. I bet here I wasn't that strong, so she thinks I'm going to start trying. Well she's going to be in for a surprise. As I took my seat with a smile on my face.

One game later

I won. It was awesome to see everyone's face, as I won.  Sadly every win usually costs something, and for me that was my ankle. I told the coach that I twisted my ankle and needed to go to the nurse. As soon as I walked into the nurses office, I saw someone with pink year.

Muio 's P.O.V.

I was going through my cabnints making sure everything was in place, when a girl with raven black hair walked in.  Startled I almost misplaced the syringe, that would've been horrible. "So what can I do for you?" I say with a bright smile, she just sits down and says "I just need some ice for this." Then points down to her ankle, which is very red. "Here let me look at it." I quickly moved down to see the damage to find a foot not there. I look up at her and she a very serious and familiar face. It takes me a minute to realize I was just starring at her. "I just need ice, I can fix it when I get home." I stood up and then asked her "What is your name?" She looked surprised but then said "I'm Ayano Ashi." Then it clicks, I use to see this girl everyday. Me and Mida back when we were in high school use to walk a little girl with raven black hair home. She would always go to the park and because we were good students we would take her home, because a little girl shouldn't be at the park by her self. I looked at her and realize that she's looking at me trying to figure out why I asked that, so I gave her then answer while taking care of her ankle "Well I use to walk a little girl with raven black hair home, she said she didn't want to go back because her parents were fighting about her. My friend and me would bring snacks and try to make her smile and laugh. The funniest thing is in our last year of high school we saw her playing with friends we thought she finally wasn't broken," I looked her right in the eyes and said "But apparently we were wrong." Then gave her a pass to her next class, so she wouldn't get yelled at for being late.

Ayano 's P.O.V.  

That nurse was strange to say the least, but I don't ever remember any boys picking me up from the park. I guess they did in this world, because in the other world I would stay there till the sun set. While walking I walked into class not even realizing that every one was quite, even here that's not normal. I went up to sensei and gave him the late slip. As soon as I sat down and actually looked around I realized we had a new teacher. He looked shocked and I instantly know which rival he is, the sluty teacher. He coughed and said "Nice of you to finally join the class Miss...." I pulled out my things and said "Ayano Ashi." He just nodded and continued to teach the rest of class, I already learned everything for the rest of the quarter and with no killing I need to think of I just read.

Half way through class I got asked a question "Miss Ashi, do you know what we are learning right now?" I didn't even look and up and just said "Yes, I already know everything for this quarter." I looked right at him to see him with a shocked face. I heard a girl chuckle and say "That's what happens when you have no friends, what a nerd." Looking back at my book I say in my normal voice "Better then being a jobless idiot." Everyone laughs I even heard the teacher chuckle a little. I look at her and she just looks at the board as if she knows what's going on. I see a quiz get put on my desk and see the teacher smirking "If you know so much, you should have no problem doing this quiz." Everyone chuckles, but won't do anything more. Of course. At the end of the class I give him my paper and he says "I'll tell you your score after lunch."

Everybody was in their seats, excited to see my scores. The teacher with a surprised look on his face says "She got a 100%." The whole class looks surprised as I just read, already knowing I would get an A, just like last time.

At the end of the day he came up to me and says "Well I never thought the little playground girl would grow up so smart. He smirks at my shocked face, I shake my head and said "So the two high school kid's that would bring me back home when I was little, randomly show up in one day?" He just shrugs and I see him try and be a play boy and say's "Well of course one is thinking of you a little." He stop looking at my whole body saying "Less innocently." Then he walks away like that is a normal thing to say to your students.

This should be a very interesting year.


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