Why Me?

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Ayanos P.O.V.

I decided to make a simple breakfast for me and Hanako today, just miso soup. We ate quickly so Hanako wouldn't be late on his first day. He was supposed to go in another week or so, but the school did something wrong, so now he's just coming to this school a little early.

As soon as I walked outside I got attacked in a hug by Nem. "Good morning!" She said with a bright smile. "You guys are way too happy, it's the first day of school to you guys, shouldn't you be sad?" They both shook there heads no, which made me chuckle and countuine walking to school. We didn't get very far because at the end of our street was a group of guys, that I swear grow every day. By time we made it down there every single one of them was fighting. I just walked passed them, and sadly it o ly took them 3 minutes to realize it. By time we got to school, it was a mess. Kids weren't in a line how they normally are, they were every where. "It's not useally like this, I promise." The two new students probably couldn't even here me over all this noise. The boys next to me sighed and just continued walking, confused I asked "What the hell is going on, and why are you guys acting like its normal?" Asu sighed and answered with "The school is having a play soon, and every one wants to be in it. A lot of its girls." I just sighed 

A time skip brought by Prince and  Anxiety 's love (Sander Sides Anyone?) 

By the end of the day school was still a mess but all the auditions were done. I realized I never showed Hanako or Nem -chan the Theater room, and I know Hanako likes cooking more then acting but you never know. "Hey you two, do you guys want to see the theater room." It took them as second but they finally Nem -Chan said "Sure, why not?"

When we got there a few people were still left. I asked the person letting everyone in if it was a good time  "Your talking to me? Ugh, well we will be full for a few more days, so you can never come here again." She said with the fakest smile. All of a sudden a guy came out and said "Are there any more people?" The he saw me and took a double take "Who is this beautiful lady?" He asked. The girl replied with "A girl who thinks it's okay to straight up talk to me." He ignored her and said "Well are you joining the play, I would love you to be Cinderella." The girl then turned him around and said with anger and disgust "I thought I was going to be Cinderella, and besides she would be the ugly step sister." Hanako then cut in their conversation by saying "Well don't worry Ayano doesn't want to be in a play."

After I showed them around the room, before we left Hanako whispered to me "The only reason I didn't want you in the play is because that guy seems weird, sorry if you did." I just laughed and said "Don't worry about it, besides who would make dinner when you got home."

Kizanno 's P.O.V

Before the group left the room I saw the princess or Ayano get stopped by her Hanako, her little brother. I went a little closer to them and I heard his say "I didn't want you in the play because that guy seems weird, sorry if you did." She just laughed and said "Don't worry about it, besides who would make you dinner when you got home." Then left.

Wait does that mean he's the reason she's not in the play. I could feel my anger rising.

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