Delinquent v.s. Sport kid

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Osoros P.O.V.

I saw Aso walk over to the track, so that's where I headed over. Of course he was running the track like a maniac. And with a few girls looking his way, but of course he was such a blind idiot he didn't see them. Or he just wanted some attention right now. Seems like something he would do.

Its funny now that I think about it he hasn't killed anyone either. This all started with the girl showing some emotions. If I didn't like her I'd probably kill her, so I guess it does suck to be me. The only bad thing is that I don't have anyone to back me up. Those little brats left me because the counselor "solved" all their problems and they didn't need me anymore. I know they'll come begging back to me when they realized they took a bite to big for them to swallow. Until then I'm on my own.

Luckily I'm not the only one Aso had been so out during practices that he was no longer the popular kid. He stopped hanging out with all of the preppy and sporty kids. At first he could blame it on he was just talking to a few other club members. But with his little out burst today I can still hear the whispers of everyone around me. They knew now who he liked and that was a ticket to getting bullied, well if we had any.

I still find it funny how people still looked at him. Like he was a fallen star, but then again I guess I'm no better.

I finally got over there to stand in his way when he tried to get back to running after taking a drink break. He didn't look to happy about it, not that really helped him. I put on a little smirk and grunted "We need to have a little chat and," I paused for dramatic affect hearing everyone go dead silent. "If you want to talk here considering how everyone already knows about your love interest." I smirked a little wider probably losing my cool effect and looking more insane.

It looks like my effect worked because he took a small step back, but not small enough for a few people to gasp that he was backing down. Causing me to lessen my smile so I could look a little more tough then insane.

He quickly stood a little straighter trying to hold on to the little bit of popularity or dignity that he could. But was quickly squashed when I interrupted him before he could even speak a word "Oh and you know that you refused to admit what happened the night two of your friend were found in a fire." There's no way to recover from that , and it didn't have to do with Ayano so it didn't look like I was trying to protect her.

He just passed by me heading towards the locker rooms, I whispered "Meet me after school." He stopped and  could already tell he nodded and then he started moving again. I leered at everyone just for them to quickly look away.

My first kill will be at the school, that sucks, maybe I should tell him to meet me somewhere else. Then again the teachers here are so dumb its an easy kill. I don't usually go for easy but if I have to kill the mastermind of all of this I'll need my strength. He might look a little skinny but he's smart as hell something I don't lack, I'm just not as smart as him.

The thing is even though I know what ending I want I can tell which one is most likely to happen. Everyone's thinking it just not saying it. Info -Kun kills everyone and him and Ayano end up happily ever after. But, this author is so against clichés she wouldn't put one in a her most popular book. What I want to know what the real ending is even if I have to die for it.

I walked out of the school making a reminder to come back when the school days over and the school is about to kick out everyone. I have to set up a few things. I might not be supper smart but I'm still smarter then that idiot sports kid who cheats off the girls next to him.

I heard the gym teacher sigh on my way out and I just sighed louder. They were going to kick me out but the counselor made me take some stupid test and I got to stay, something about how many marks I got.    

*Time skip brought to you by my new computer aka my moms old one*

The little rascal is late, lucky for him I like quick deaths and not slow and painful ones like that little kid. I heard a few huffs and puff and saw bright blonde hair come out of the stairs. He was covered in bruises and with false concern I gasped "Who did that to you?" He spit on the ground "Probably some guys you paid to beat me up."

Smirking I said "I didn't need to pay them, they all wanted to beat your ass." He looked at me but he seemed like he was lost in his own thoughts. Blinking every other seconded. Maybe he realized he was about to die.

I found the answer pretty soon enough not even a second later he went to try and punch thankfully all I had to do was step back a few steps for him to trip on a little bit of string I put there. Its not even hidden really well he's desperately trying to hit me that he's going blind. 

I snickered as he hastily got himself up and put his shirt back on in the right place, like it mattered. Of course I should probably pay attention because with my luck he'll have a few tricks up his sleeve.  

He stood up a bit straighter and laughed "That the best you got I thought you fought off 10 guys and you're doing shit like this. Seriously I feel honored that you felt the need to do this." He laughed again and almost limped towards me. "Now how about we see who will die first because I'm not going down without a fight." And before I knew it there was a sharp pain in my arm.

The little shit stabbed me, with what feels like the sharpest knife he could find.

"Dammit I missed." I heard him mutter before backing away. He was trying to finish me off in one hit as if that would work. "I pushed him with the uninjured arm even though I could still feel the sting of it moving. I grabbed the knife out of my arm and stabbed him in the arm. 

Making sure to pull him behind the fan so no one could see. I stabbed him in the arm for him to kick me where the sun don't shine. Making me lose my breath and drop the now red knife. 

He picked it up and all of a sudden I couldn't feel anything. The best part is I know he couldn't either because I grabbed the knife that I hid there earlier. 

All of a sudden everything was numb and I realized I got closer to the ending. And I did have to die for it. To bad too, because I really wanted to have an epic fight with Megamo. I didn't even get a whole chapter to myself how sad. I guess this is the ending I deserve.

Two boys left!!

Oh what a wonderful day!

Aren't you guys excited?

Only a few more updates left!

I guess this book will end...

But here's the thing, who does the author like more?

Oh I love breaking the forth wall!

Did  you guys miss those guys I didn't...

But once again they are right about a few things

But there will be a few chapters after the endings.

Yes endings...

See you all in the next chapter...

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