Pure Hatred

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"Come the fuck onnnnnn! I got us fucking backstage passes and everythinggggg!!" My sister huffed out, as she started to tug on her red fiery locks. Her green eyes piercing into my blue brown hazel irises.

"No, I said that. And that was definitely final." I rolled my eyes standing up trying to stress my point.

My sister Sabrina had bought tickets to this 'Exclusive Chris Brown concert'. I could care less I could not stand Christopher. Plus, what does she think it's gonna look like when we are the only two white girls there? We would stand out way to much like a cum stain on a black swede couch.

"What do you have against him?! He's a singer, he's a dancer, and actor, to top that all off, he's drop dead gorgeous. He's walking sex and you don't wanna go see him in concert?! These tickets are EXCLUSIVE, meaning only a selective few people are going. And you're just going to give that up?! Well fine! I won't beg you anymore, but let me remind you of all the times I done things with you that I absolutely hated just to make you happy."

Sabrina, furiously stomped out my room and slammed my door.

I let out a sigh, she was right. The concert started at seven, which gave me three hours to get prepared. I walked into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, taking in all my features. I was white. I was whiter than that, white as snow. My hair, was horrifying. I hated the way my hair looked. It was long and an ugly blonde and forest dark brown at my roots. I pulled out my drawer and found my cosmetic scissors. I cried as I chopped and chopped off my ugly locks. By the time I had finished, I had a short boy cut. My face had more structure without my hair.. I looked down and ran my hand across figure. I never understood, how my body could look like this. I had what you called a 'white girl with a black girls body'. All the dudes would whistle at me from behind. Until they saw I was white. I also noticed how un inked up my body was... I was just way to pure. Except for my piercings, my ears were pierced all the way up and down my ears. And that was that.

"So I guess you decided you'd come?" Sabrina said as she walked into my room, and sat on my bed.

"I'm in here, I'll be out in half an hour, I've gotta shower!" I shouted, stepping into warm relaxing beams of water.

Half an hour went by and I thought about what I was gonna wear, nothing to fancy, because if his concerts were anything like I thought, I'd definitely be dancing.

"HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE... OMG ELOUISE!!! YOUR HAIR!!!" Sabrina shrieked as she jumped from foot to foot ecstatic.

She came over to me and messed with my short hair, following me into my closet, in the apartment we shared. I pulled out my baggy grey sweats, and my black sports bra, with my hoodie that came with my sweats. And of course I don't dance unless I have on sneakers to die for. I pulled out my Derrick Roses, baby blue 3.5's.

"So Louie, I was wondering, if you could do my hair after you get ready?" Sabrina bit her lip, nervously.

"Yeah sure Sabrina, what are you wearing by the way?"

Sabrina led me into her room, as I saw her attire laid out on her bed. She picked out her favorite papaya skinny jeans her bred elevens and her red corset top and a jacket which was black of course.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute!!! You're gonna look good Sabrina! Now put that on, and I'll be back okay?"

I left her room and changed into my attire. I always had a thing for Aaliyah's style, so I wore my Tommy Hilfigure boxers making sure to let the waist band show. I decided that I didn't really need much makeup. Just mascara. That's it. I'm not there to impress.

I made my way into my sisters room taking my 5s with my stuffing it in my pocket. She stood in her bathroom applying makeup, the outfit made her look oh my lord. She has a body sorta like mine, just a tad bit less breast and ass.

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