(Extra) What if. . .

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A/N: Lol I lied, this one MIGHT be the last extra chapter.

This is set around the time of Spider-Man: HC

I just came up with the idea while watching HC for the four-hundred millionth six hundred and fifth time so here it is!



What if Madeline Osborn never got her family's blood disease?
What if she was perfectly healthy and never went into a coma?
What if she had the chance to complete her Freshman year and live on happily with Peter Parker by her side?

These are two events on what would've happened. . .


After months of being together, Madeline learned that Peter could in fact sing—he just chose not to do it in front of anyone.

It was a Friday morning when Madeline had slept over at Peter's, sleeping on the couch of course. She woke up to her hair messy and a blanket thrown over her body. She looked up, the windows were fully open with sunlight pouring in and Peter was fumbling around in the kitchen.

It didn't take long for the girl to realize the smell of pancakes in the air and someone singing the song "Grease Lightning" from the classic 70's movie.

Madeline's small dimples showed when she smiled at the boy's adorable singing. And she had to admit, he was pretty good and sung the right tones.

"I didn't know you could sing Pete~" she teased from the living room. This sudden comment made Peter jump a little and stop his actions all together. He damn near had a heart attack and didn't notice he was singing in the first place.

He turned around and saw the girl with her legs crossed and stretching her arms with a yawn.

"I-uh," he chuckles nervously, "You didn't hear any of that, just so you know."

Madeline groggily got on her feet and walked over to the kitchen with a sleepy smile on her face. Peter glanced at her once more and ended up looking at her up and down.
She was wearing one of his too-big-to-fit-a-petite-girl shirts with a geeky math pun on the front of it and fitted black legging. Her long hair naturally curled up into messy waves, framing her face perfectly.

He could admit, she looked amazing wearing his clothes.

"What's all this?" She asks, resting her chin over his shoulder.

"Breakfast for my amazing girlfriend on this amazing morning," Peter greeted the sloth-like human with a quick peck on her lips and continued to cook.

She responded with a slight blush as her brows raised, "Someone's in a good mood," and hopped up on the counter with her feet dangling.

"Well," he started off, "I thought that I'd try to stay positive. Even after Tony took away the suit, I don't think moping around and feeling sorry for myself will do any good."

Madeline nods with a proud look, "that's good for you, Pete. I know it probably sucks but the worst thing that could've happened that day was you getting hurt."

Peter quietly hummed in agreement as he flipped the last pancake onto a plate. He took a bottle of syrup, poured it on a stack, and turned off the gas stove.

{1} Webbed Heart *Peter Parker* ✔️Where stories live. Discover now