First Date Includes: Face Full Of Ice Cream

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The Next Day Location: Parker HouseholdTime: 7:46pm—————

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The Next Day
Location: Parker Household
Time: 7:46pm

After going out on their 'some-what' first date—which included going to McDonalds and snacking on chicken nuggets in Cunningham Park— Madeline and Peter decided to take it easy for the rest of the day. Including a stolen bucket of Neapolitan ice cream from the freezer and TV shows premiering that day.

In the middle of an episode of The Walking Dead, one of Madeline's favorite shows, Peter takes a final bite of chocolate ice cream from his spoon.

Cringing out loud at the amount of blood, guts, and gore, he turns to Maddie,
"That is a person's brain spilling out on the ground." He states loudly while trying to contain spitting out his dessert.

Madeline smiles at his disgusted face and nods while taking a bite of strawberry ice cream, "It is." She says with a full mouth.

"How can you watch this without projectile vomiting everywhere? I mean don't get me wrong, zombies are cool and everything but that just looks too real." Madeline holds in her laugh as she sees Peter's nose scrunch up. She can admit, he has an adorable cringing face.

"I believe the correct term would be 'walkers'." She says while crossing her arms and pointing her spoon towards the TV.

"Zombies, walkers, still all gross—Oh my God, is that his eyeball?!" His words are muffled as he covers his mouth with his hand. Madeline busts out laughing as Peter flinches every time he sees the bloodied bat swing and hit flesh on the screen.

She coos to him after she regains herself, "Peter Parker is afraid of gore." She teases.

He scoffs and stutters his words, "N-No—No I'm not."
"Yes you so are!"

Peter's eyes squint as he goes face to face with the girl.
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not—" He suddenly gets a striking chill on his nose. A sticky pink substance drips on his mouth.
He realizes that Madeline has stuck her finger in melted ice cream and dotted his nose with it.

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