Security, This Man Needs To Go

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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


Peter Parker reads the two words over and over again in his head. He almost doesn't believe it.

"He lied, she's not dead. B-but, why would he—?" Peter's glance shoots towards something that reads; Patient Lab #15.

Okay, her room number. That's a start.
Peter looks over to the elevators, contemplating on if he should see Ashley Paterson now.
"I mean, I'm here, so why not?"

He grabs his bag and quickly walks over to the elevators. The inside smells of weird cologne, something he'd never wear a day in his life.
God, I really need to shower after this.

   The hallway Peter walks through twists and turns in many directions. He's had to hide a couple of times because of passing scientists and people. He knows he's not supposed to be in this part of the building. But never once was he caught.

But now, after many twisted turns and failure to keep up where he was at. And after an hour of roaming around, everything looks the same to him.

"I'm so lost." He curses under his breath. Where the hell am I going?? He holds the patient information in his hand, I should've gotten a map or something.

Thanks to his spidey sense, he hears a slight unlocking sound from behind him. He looks behind him and sees two men with lab coats appear from the door. Since he was almost down the hallway, he quickly runs and hides behind the corner.

He exhales, hoping he wasn't seen and peeks around. The scientists come the same way he's going so he looks by him for any spot to hide. He sees the janitor closet and an elevator from far away. He goes over to the elevator and pushes the down button but hear the men's footsteps and voices grow louder in his ear. The elevator seems to be taking forever, longer than it should, C'mon, c'mon.

He goes over to the closet that's across from him but it's locked, of freaking course!

Peter looks down the hall and sees the two men going around the corner, at the same time, the elevator makes a dinging sound and the doors open.
"Hey, You're not supposed to be here!" One of the men says, "Call security."

Peter hurriedly enters the elevator, lucky no one is in there and spams the close door button. Once the doors close, he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Peter presses the ground floor button.

He thinks about how much time he's spent up here, Madeline must be done talking to her brother by now. Or she could be looking for him in the lobby. He hopes that she's a bit late so that he could get down there fast.

Suddenly, the elevator stops and dings. Peter's heart drops as he starts to worry, he's only gotten to the 63rd floor, Okay, your fine. Just play it cool. Whoever's on the other side, say your an intern or something.

{1} Webbed Heart *Peter Parker* ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα