Saint Richmond Quincy

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    You don't know the feeling of almost loosing someone until it hits you like a ton of bricks. And for Madeline, it felt like a whole house was dropped on her; and that house being guilt.

She's been sleeping next to Peter's hospital bed with her head rested on the palm of her hand and her other holding onto his.
Every once and awhile, she'd try to wake herself up to see if he was awake. But his eyes were still closed and his body still elevated in an angled sitting position.

His hand felt cold and lifeless, something she didn't like the feeling of. Being in a hospital reminded too much of her mother. She remembers her Mom's sunken in eyes, her chapped lips, and the moment where her soul slipped out of her body. The sound of her heartbeat monitor flat lining is something she wished she'd never hear ever again.
And the constant beeping right now? She's terrified that it might completely stop.

She couldn't bare to see Peter like this, and it was because of her. Every single second of looking at him made her only feel more guilty. Maybe if she just stayed at the restaurant like Peter told her to, he wouldn't be in this situation.

Madeline wipes her eyes from tearing up and thinking so much. She breathes out staggerdly, trying to push out negative thoughts, and gets up from her chair.
She needs to walk around—exercise her exhausted feet.

Madeline rolls her neck and crosses her arms. Leaning the side of her body on the doorframe of Peter's room. She looks up at the clock in the hallway.
Its been almost 4 hours since the accident—at least that's what the cops on the news are reporting it as; an accident.

Earlier on, her father called her to see if she was hurt, but she was too tired and broken to pick up the call. She replays his words from the voicemails in her head, "Come back to the complex", "Its dangerous out there", "This wasn't an accident".
Madeline didn't want to leave Peter Parker at the hospital, she needed to know he was going to be fine. So she texted him a simple message: I'm fine. And put her phone on silent for the rest of the night.
She knows she's going to have to sit through an hour lecture about responsibility—but that won't come anytime soon.

"Madeline?" A woman's voice says to her right. Aunt May takes her eyeglasses off of her face. The smile lines and crows feet appear by her mouth and eyes as she smiles.

Maddie's tired glance looks at the equally tired woman, "How is he?" May asks.

"Still asleep," Madeline sits down on one of the metal benches by the door and Aunt May joins her, "The surgery really took a toll on him." Maddie stretches her arms outwards, completely stiffened from being in one position for four hours.
"Yeah, Dr. Raymond said he should be waking up in the next hour or so. The surgery went pretty well, every piece was removed. Now we just have to see if anything in Peter's spinal cord was damaged."
" in, to see if he could still walk?" Madeline says, a bit of worry in her tone. If Peter becomes paralyzed because of me, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

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