I Broke Your Arm, Didn't I?

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*EDITED 6/13*

*EDITED 6/13*

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Madeline stands behind Peter, brows furrowed in concentration and hands placed upon his injured shoulder as she inspects it.

The two had just finished a conversation that included many questions like, did the police come to arrest the man in the store Peter fought? How did he ever manage to climb thirty flights of stairs? And lastly, how did Peter even know which building she lived in? Let alone her apartment building and floor?

Once asked, he couldn't just say that he 'saw her through her window while he was swinging around as Spider-Man'. She'd never believe it even if it is true.

So, Peter quickly came up with a tiny and believable lie to reassure that he was no stalker. It was somewhere on the lines of, 'I asked Gwen at school today, thinking that I could maybe come over and help you finish schoolwork.'

And sure enough, Madeline merely joked about how he could've asked her herself through the phone—which then resulted in another supporting fib.

'I broke my phone this morning," he said, 'I gave it to Ned so that he could fix it after school, that's why I couldn't really call you beforehand." And again, another fib told by his mouth.

Madeline believed it with ease, but Peter felt awful for coming up with such stupid and useless lies. It was just more adding to the list, but it couldn't be helped—he needed her to believe that he never saw her as the web-slinging Spider. For her safety and well-being, of course.

Peter tries to hold in a couple of teeth-seething groans when Madeline rolls his arm back a certain way. She ends up swearing under her breath when she notices that his shoulder is lined up in the wrong position.

"I guess that guy really messed you up; it's dislocated pretty badly—" she mumbles under her breath.

Peter whimpered in his throat with a pained expression, which only makes her feel bad about his injury, "O-Okay, at least it's not broken."

"Yeah but it would probably end up bruising—which, really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm just surprised you got out of a stick up with only this. Was he even armed at all?"

{1} Webbed Heart *Peter Parker* ✔️Where stories live. Discover now