No Hope

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••••••••A/N: An Easter present from me to you:

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A/N: An Easter present from me to you:

2970 words in this chapter ;) Enjoy

(Two chapters in one week? *Pats on back* Good job Author-nim)



Cold was all she could feel as she finished the voice message and hung up the phone.

The back of her head hit against the brick wall as she let out a shaking sigh. The bags under her eyes were a dark color of purple and her lips were frozen and chapped.

All she had on was her black long sleeve shirt and jeans when she ran out of her father's labs—forgetting about her backpack and jacket. All she carried when she made a run for it was her phone.

Madeline didn't know wether or not her father's cure was going to work, for it was made specifically for a different person, so she used her phone to make one more phone call of her supposed last moments. That phone call was for Peter. But he never picked up.

She was somewhat glad anyhow, Maddie would probably never get two words out if he did. She couldn't face him, nor could she ever face anyone. Madeline felt like a beast was growing inside and slowly making their way out. If she were to die here in an alleyway from the cure, then so be it. She wouldn't have to worry about having to hurt anyone again. But if maybe the cure does work, that 50/50 chance, then maybe her and Peter could be happy again and things would be normal.

But for now, she decided to wait. Wait until she either took her last breath, or her first healthy one.

Madeline's headache now started to grow back.

No. . No. .Not again.

She took heavy breaths, like someone having an asthma attack would breathe.

She slid down the wall and fell onto the ground, her hands clutching at the side of her head and chest. The pain was unbearable. Her head felt like it was going to implode right then and there.

{1} Webbed Heart *Peter Parker* ✔️Where stories live. Discover now