Batman VS Spider-Man

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    Maddie turns to her left, a short girl dressed in a bumblebee costume with bouncing antennas lifts her small mask from her face—revealing a smile and green eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Betty!" Madeline almost squeals, now ecstatic that she's finally talking to her best friend.

The two girls talk awfully fast to each other as they hug, making Peter feel overwhelmed. Betty and Madeline pull away and speak rapidly, not noticing the boy with brows raised and eyes darting between them both.
Are they speaking some sort of foreign language?

Madeline stops her talking suddenly when she realizes her boyfriend is staring at them with a wide expression.

"Oh, sorry," she apologizes quickly with a small laugh before continuing, "Betty, you've talked to Pete a couple times right?"

"Is that who's under the mask? Geez, I almost didn't recognize you with the whole old-fashioned twenties look," Betty Brant looks Peter over, her springy antennas bounce up and down as she nods in satisfaction.

"Gotta admit though, you two look cute! Talk about a power couple."

"Aw, well, I-I don't know about that- -" he starts to say, but is interrupted when he hears someone familiar call his name.

"- -Peter!" Ned Leeds—dressed in an all black Batman suit and mask—walks up to Peter with Michelle, Cindy, and Abraham—dressed up in costumes as well.

"Hey, I thought the whole point in masquerade parties was to hide your identity—how did you know it was me?" Peter asks, still lounging against the wall with his girlfriend, and lifts his black mask off, setting it on his forehead.

Ned shrugs and lifts his Batman mask off as well, "It was the hair. It's not that hard to miss a head glazed over in pounds of concrete."

{1} Webbed Heart *Peter Parker* ✔️Where stories live. Discover now