It Was All Lies

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Tiny A/N: So I've actually had to rewrite this chapter over three times. Mainly because of the stupid all-day glitch Wattpad had.

It actually resulted in a very mild panic attack because me and my best friend thought that Wattpad deleted my book. Reason why is because we tried reading it but literally NOTHING was coming up for us.

But after a day of waiting and seeing, IT'S BACK!!

-XOXO from your very relieved author

-XOXO from your very relieved author••••••••

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This was not at all what he expected.

Panic sets in Peter's chest as his heart rate climbs to towering lengths. Maddie's hand now trembles in his grip, squeezing on for dear life. Peter could barely see it from where he stood, but a single tear rolls down her cheek. He managed to cause the one thing he never wanted to see in his lifetime—making her cry.

"H-How could y-you say that," she shakingly asks him, "You. . .want me to leave you for—for some stupid jock?"

No, no, no. .

Peter shakes his head and tries to put a hand up to her other arm.
"I'm sorry," he hastily says, "Maddie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"

The broken girl slips her small hand out of Peter's to avoid any kind of touch. This action feels like a shot to the chest for him. He felt like apologizing millions of times, it was his fault for saying such idiotic things anyways. Regret was now a returning friend to him as his chest sinks in from all the guilt.

Madeline crosses her arms over her chest, looking at the hurt expression on the boy's face. She didn't like this, not one bit.

"D-Do you honestly think that I'd ever find someone better? Or let alone ever get over you if I did leave?. . .Pete, It would break me."

{1} Webbed Heart *Peter Parker* ✔️Where stories live. Discover now