Visiting The Mentally Insane

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Here in Queens, the breeze changes in the midst of October. Leafs have cease to fall and the first cycle of snow coming has just begun, creating gleaming icicles hanging from the gutters of every building.

All that falls from the sky are water droplets, clinging onto the naked branches of trees, creating dew. The usual fog rolls in from the beaches surrounding New York and creepily set in the streets of Brooklyn all the way to Manhattan.

A man rises from the fog underneath a bridge standing in Queens. His black hoodie conceals his darting eyes, carefully glancing at every homeless civilian. The duffel bag he carries sloshes around with food, water, and medical supplies from the nearest Walgreens. His large, brown, boots splash every puddle of water he steps in.

He slings the bag over his shoulder, easing the weight and so that he could use his free hand to unlock a door to an abandoned apartment building. The lock and chains fall to the ground as he takes one last look to see if anyone's watching. But all there is—is sleeping homeless people, taking in shivers and grouping together in pods, trying to contain warmth in this cold weather. His thick coat with faux fur on the edges and long jeans is the only thing keeping him warm at this time.

The tall man's shoes echo in the dark and empty used-to-be lobby of the building. His glowing blue eyes search the huge first floor to find his friend he's been hiding for a week.

"Dominic, it's me." His groggily voice calls into the darkness and drops the duffel bag onto the floor, creating a loud bang that echoes throughout.

Eventually, a short man with a growing, long, stubble walks out from behind a flipped over counter. His hands are in a worn-down overcoat for warmth and his breath is seeable from the moonlight shining through a window.

"This is the last time I'm doin' this," Adrian Toomes says and gestures to the bag on the floor, "I cant be skippin' my family meals anymore."

Staffer walks over the bag and crouches down next to it, earning a few pops in his aching knee caps. 

He zips open the bag, revealing canned food, bags of chips, water bottles, and a first aid kit.

"Don't go through this one like you did last time. Make it last for a month or two."

Dominic spots a thick stack of money all in hundreds and his eyes grow wide. He interrupts his friends' lecture, "—What'd you give me this for?" He picks up the money and starts rapidly counting in his head.
One thousand two hundred fifty dollars.

"Fresh start. It's not much but it'll help you get started on a new life. Find a job, maybe get out of state—?"

"Toomes, I don't need a 'fresh start'." Staffer grits his teeth together, throwing down the money into the bag. Getting up from the ground, is somewhat of a struggle. He notes that he's been getting weaker, physically and mentally. He's been driving himself crazy from being apart from the world.

"I need to get outta this hole, I need to find my wife." The stressed out man gets closer and closer to Adrian Toomes' face, looking menace and insane.
"Calm down, Dom." He says reassuringly, confused and worried for his friend's mental health. He puts a strong pair of hands on his shoulders and prepares himself for what he's about to say, "I've had my best tech look into her file at Oscorp. She's there but it's not for long—"

"—Toomes, I gotta go. You gotta take me there. I at least wanna talk to her. Just-just get me in there with your suit, blow up the place if you have to."

"You know I cant do that, man. Tuesday was only a distraction to get you out," Dominic cowers down, silently giving the concrete floor death stares, "If I cause another gas leak, I could be putting myself, my business, and my family in danger. I'm already doin' that by helping you and—"

"—Then leave." The shorter man pushes Adrian's arms off of his shoulders hard enough for him to stumble backwards but quickly regain himself.

Dominic's breathing is short as he staggers off back into the dark corners of the huge abandoned lobby. He mumbles to himself in a bare whisper—something about doing it himself.

"Dom," Toomes calls after him, but the mumbles in the insane man's head are locked in deep thought, "Dominic!" This time, he yells.
The shaking figure in the dark slowly turns around, revealing a sunken in face.

Adrian Toomes points at the duffel bag, "Take it."

"I don't want your food, I don't want your money, and I definitely don't want your pity." Staffer says in the dark. His brown glistening eyes makes daggers toward his friend, "Just go." Is the final thing he says before turning his back and walking up a narrow flight of stairs to the far right of the lobby.

He leaves his only friend, a person who cared even if he almost caused destruction, due to the fact that he was trying to find the one he loves. Toomes tried to save what was left of his sanity. But it wasn't enough.

Climbing up the stairs, Dominic meets the room he's been calling his home. The only thing that's in this trashed apartment room is a couple of towels and a jacket used as a bed, and a plugged in laptop. He stole the laptop and charger from a social worker he came across during a walk. He now uses this device to do his own research, but it doesn't include any scientifics.

He sits down as comfortable as he can, which isn't much, and opens the cheap laptop. Scrolling through many opened tabs, he clicks on the one he most recently opened—articles from the Daily Bugle. Reading the titles, he snarls at each and every one of them that has the word 'Spider-Man'.

His twisted mind begins to think up part one of his plan, the plan that'll take down the web-slinging hero once and for all.


New Upgrades? Spider-Man Gets A Suit >>>> Enter

Spider-Man Spotted In Queens, New York >>>> Enter

A devilish smile creeps on his face, spreading from ear to ear. He glances over to the large and beefy man that spins around a small knife in his hand and nods his head,
"Hey Sytsevich, up for a game of hide and seek?

This was kind of a filler chapter 😬
But hey, you got see a bit more between the two antagonists' relationship!

What do you think Dominic Staffer has in store for Spider-man?
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Xoxo Gossip Girl (😏)

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