He Learns Fast

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It was around 12:20pm on this cold Thursday morning, and Peter Parker stares at the head in front of him, completely and utterly bored of his teacher's lecturing.
Usually, he'd pick up a pen and jot down notes, but he's already caught up on today's section of homework ahead of time. So now he's just counting the minutes until the next bell rings for lunch.

These past two and a half days without Madeline at school seemed like hell for Peter. He's only been able to go on one date with her ever since her suspension. And the amount of homework the teachers have been pilling on her seemed like they could all stack to be the height of Mount Everest—at least that's what she says. Peter's only grateful that her Dad never took away her laptop or phone. If she didn't have enough time to go out in the real world, at least she had the virtual world to still talk to Peter.

The two spent hours upon hours talking to each other over the phone last night. It was three o'clock in the morning when Madeline called him. Since it was at a very late time, he picked up the call with a very tired and very worried tone. Only to be reassured that she was fine and just needed someone to desperately talked to.

Her voice sounded warily exhausted last night, like she just ran a marathon—maybe even a triathlon—which only made Peter worry about her more. Of course, he didn't let her know that due to the fact he might seem like a worry-wart.

Nevertheless, it was good to hear from her, even though they just conversed over stupid things like Star Wars theories and what their favorite constellations were. The laughter that always echoed from the other side of the phone made Peter happy, but he couldn't help but feel like something was off.

Call it boyfriend senses, if you may.

It was the long-awaited bell that rings and snaps Peter's head out of the clouds. He looks around alarmed and sees many of his classmates are already up and leaving. He quickly packs up his own things, his notebook, textbook, and writing utensils, and shoves them in his bag. Also while quickly looking on if his Spiderman suit is intact. Sure enough, it still sits in between his books snug and warm.

{1} Webbed Heart *Peter Parker* ✔️Where stories live. Discover now