Part 67

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Part 67:

Khushi trembled after seeing the reality in front of her. She couldn't believe what she is seeing. She felt her knees going weak. If not for Arnav, she would have lost her balance by now. When Arnav found Khushi swaying, he immediately held her tight supporting her to sit on the floor. Seeing her losing her balance, Shyam came out from the shock and rushed to her


She kept looking at him. They didn't get any response from her. Arnav looked at Khushi worried

"Khushi... Angel... what's wrong? Why aren't you talking anything? Khushi?" he shook her slightly to get her attention.

She held her hand up and tried to touch Shyam's cheek. "Bhai..." she whispered

"Pooh..." he responded with tears in his eyes

"Bhai... is this you? In real? Am I hallucinating? Am I dreaming? Arnav Ji... Am I..."

Arnav stopped Khushi saying "No Khushi... you aren't. Shyam Bhai is indeed here, with you, with us"

"Pooh... my bacha... my Pooh..." he cupped her face with tears running on his cheeks

"BHAI...!!!" she hugged Shyam tightly and cried her heart out along with her brother. They both stayed like that for long time, trying to assure each other about their presence. Nobody talked anything, nobody asked anything and they just sat there. After like one hour or more, when Khushi's sobs subsided they broke the hug

"Pooh... my baccha... how are you? Where were you? Why didn't you contact us? What are you doing here?"

As Khushi is not in a state to answer, Arnav said "Bhai... I will tell you everything. For now, Khushi needs to rest. We will talk later, first you get freshen up. Please..."

Seeing Arnav's calm and relaxed face, Shyam understood that everything about his baby sister is fine. He released a relaxed breath and nodded his head. He turned to Khushi

"Pooh... I will be back in few minutes. Till then you take rest, okay? We will talk everything then"

Khushi nodded her head. After Shyam left to guest room, Khushi sat there in the living room waiting for her brother. When she looked at her side, she found Arnav looking at her. She immediately hugged him "Arnav Ji... Bhai..."

"Shh... Khushi... relax... we only called him. I mean Aman called him to come here saying some emergency in work."

"But how did you know about him? I mean how did you find him? I thought... I thought... along with others... he too..." she couldn't say that horrible word about her living brother

"Shh... Khushi... relax... he is here, right? Then, there is no need of thinking or talking about the past. I know it's difficult to forget our loved ones, but we have to move on dear. We have to face the world; we have to take the life how it comes with so much strength. Breaking down or crying on our past never will do good sweet heart. Just remember the past as a good memory, enjoy the present, hope for future. Didn't you hear – Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that's why they call it as a Present?"

Khushi nodded her head looking into Arnav's eyes.

"Then, enjoy your present with your Bhai. Don't feel bad or don't think about your past. It will only hurt us, nothing else, okay?" asked Arnav

Khushi again nodded her head resting it on Arnav's shoulder.

"Pooh..." Shyam has came as fast as he can after freshen up, and sat beside Khushi on the couch.

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