AKL Part 18

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Part 18

Khushi and Arnav – both are disturbed by the incident held in college before they left. They are not thinking about Rahul. They are thinking about each other.

Arnav remembered her scared and tensed figure. He felt really bad about her. He is angry on him for not taking care of her. He is angry on Rahul for hurting her. When he remembered her tearful eyes, he felt a pain in his heart. He wants to remove her pain by taking her in his arms like he did. When her remembered the time she hugged him, he thinks about how her body fitted in his arms. How he felt completeness, when she hugged him. Her soft body, her hands around his shoulders, her face on his chest – everything seems correct. And he felt very happy when Khushi got relaxed after their hug. He remembered her pouting face at lunch time. A small cute smile appeared on his lips, when he remembered his state by seeing her pout. With very much difficulty he controlled himself from not kissing her adorable pout. He wondered how she became most important and beautiful part of his life.

Here, in girls' hostel, Khushi's condition is not less than Arnav's. She remembered how much Arnav got tensed seeing her crying, how much he tried to ease her pain and how much he got angered by seeing that Rahul. She thought how her body fitted in his arms. How she felt completeness, when he hugged her. His hard body, his strong one hand around her back and another on her head, she felt so secured in his arms. When she placed her face on his chest – everything seems correct. She felt like she belongs to him. He is her destiny. She wants to spend her life with him, only with him. After this evening, her decision, her feeling about Arnav got strong, her slight doubt about whether her decision is correct or wrong, left from her mind. Now she is completely into Arnav. He is her life. She decided...

They both are thinking about comfortableness in each other. They are strong and sure about their feelings now. They want to spend their lives with each other. They are very happy now. They want to be close with each other. They are looking forward to meet each other tomorrow at fresher's party. Both Arnav and Khushi went to deep sleep thinking about each other and dreaming about each other.

The night turned into morning, giving break to everyone's wait. The morning brought a bright warm smile on each and every face along with it.

Fine Arts and management blocks in Mumbai University are filled with the joy and happiness. The excitement rose and reached a crescendo at the campus. All the senior students are waiting to welcome their juniors. All the junior students are waiting to know about the preparations and how they going to be welcomed. And the lecturers are waiting to see all their students at one place.

Fun and frolic, grooves and games, sassy outfits and a dash of makeup – common words in the dictionary of a party lover. To party is to celebrate and that is what the Freshers of Mumbai University did, to mark the beginning of one of the most exciting times of their lives.

There was a slight change in the venue of the party as compared to previous years. The stage was bigger this time around - The Auditorium under massive floodlights and a thunderous music console. Apart from the venue, everything was in accordance to 'tradition'. Flanked by seniors at the entrance, each fresher's mouth was stuffed with Jilebies and Gulab Jamun (Indian sweets). Dressed in colorful gowns and trendy outfits, Mumbai University girls were indeed looking their very best, which was complimented well by the immaculately dressed boys. The fresh faces at the campus were extended a warm welcome by their seniors.

When all the seniors are busy welcoming their juniors, two pairs of eyes are searching each other. When they found their destined personality, they are just lost their trance in each other's eyes. Both of them smiled at each other. Both their hearts swelled with happiness by receiving a bright smile from each other. Their trance got disturbed by loud shouts other students. Feeling little bit embarrassed and shy they both went to auditorium along with other students. All the students sat in their respected seats to let the program started. All the faculty was seated in front rows followed by juniors and then seniors. Arnav and others made sure they sat exactly back row of Khushi's. Either Arnav or Aman is ready to leave Khushi alone. They want to be with her all the time particularly after yesterday evening's incident with Rahul.

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