AKL Part 24

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Part 24:

It is Morning...

All the students are coming to college one by one or some in groups to attend their classes.

Khushi came to the college directly from her sister's house and went to canteen to meet her friends. Not seeing any one of them there in canteen, she went to her class thinking everybody went to their classes as she little bit late today. When she is walking in corridor, she heard some cries from the room beside Library. She went there to see who the person crying is. Before she enter the room she heard someone saying

"Don't cry Sheena... everything will be fine. We can talk with ASR"

"Pam... Do you really think ASR will listen to us? No... He won't... I thought after committing with Sheena he wouldn't go to any other girl. But, I'm wrong... He is doing same as before."

"Shut up Sims... He is not doing the same thing. Don't make Sheena, more confused about her love with Arnav. She is already tensed."

"I know... it will happen... I already told her to back out from her relation with Arnav. He is a womanizer. We know him from three years. He is never serious about any girl. Then how can Sheena will expect him to be committed with her?"

"Shut Up you both... My Arnav will never ditch me. I know he was a womanizer... after committing with me he never gone to any other girl. I know..."

"Then what I heard, what is that? He is saying to his friends about her. He is saying he couldn't control himself seeing her in front of him. How shamelessly he is saying that he wants her. How disgusting... He is in relation with you, and he is talking about another girl? Look Sheena, still there is time. Just think... he was, he is and he will remain as a womanizer... He won't change... Don't waste your time and life on him."

"Stop it Sims... I love him... How can I live without him? He is my life Sims... If he wants to spend his time with her, it is completely ok with me. But I can't leave him. He can do whatever he wants I won't stop him. But I want him. I can't live without him," saying this Sheena bursts out into sobs.

Khushi, who was listening the discussion, shocked to the core. She never expected these things about Arnav. She didn't even guess or doubted his behaviour. She couldn't control her feelings anymore. She rushed from there crying silently. After she left the room, all the three in the room gave Hi5 to each other smiling evilly.

"Sheena... You are wonderful actor dear... you would have taken theatre arts. Not Fashion designing..."

All three smiled loudly.

"Or else what should I do... this Khushi is making things difficult for me. I tried a lot to make ASR to trust me. I worked hard on this. Now he is thinking about me as a good friend. I thought after some time I can propose him and make him agree. But suddenly this creature came, and trying to steal ASR from me? How can I let this happen?"

"But why are you behind him Sheena? So many boys are ready to die for you... then why only ASR?" asked Pam

"Oh... fool... He is ASR... He is Arnav Singh Raizada... Do you even know what the status he has in the society? Do you have any idea about how much money he has? Do you have any idea how much reputation his family has in this society? Do you have any idea how much powerful man he is? Do you know that he never leaves any stone unturned for his wishes? He gets whatever he wants.

He is the controller of his siblings. After Anjali got married, he will be the head of the family. His brothers follow him blindly. If I married to him or if I make him crazy about me, then all this Raizada things are mine. If he follows my words blindly, then no one will change my future. I will spend the life how I want. If I leave Khushi like this, it won't be good for me. At any cost, I'll damage her image in Arnav's eyes. Then he will stop loving her. He never goes to her."

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