AKL Part 25

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Part 25:

After having breakfast, everybody got ready to college. Arnav took his books and went to parking while checking his mobile. When he touches his mobile screen, it showed one message. Without checking the person, he opened the message and read

"I'm sorry... if I hurt you... I didn't mean to... --- Sneha"

"What the... why did she saying sorry now."

"Who is she, Arnav?"

"Who else.... Sneha... My crazy lover. She is saying sorry now. I don't know why."

"What else? She asked you about friendship. But you didn't reply her, so she might thought you are not interested. For making you uncomfortable she said sorry" said Anjali as matter of fact.

"What the! How can she conclude like I'm not interested?"

"Then, what else she will do. You already took long time. You said next day you will tell her your opinion. It is already one week now. She definitely will conclude like that."

"Oh come on Di... you should support me... not that crazy girl." Both the siblings started their fight, while Aman took Arnav's mobile to check the message. After some time they reached college. Everybody left for their classes. When Arnav is about to go, Aman stopped him and asked

"Arnav... what did you reply to Sneha?"

"Nothing Aman... I don't know what to reply to her."

"Don't do this Arnav. Don't ignore her. You may regret it later."

"What? Why would I regret it? In real, I not even know about her. Then, why would I regret it?"

"Who knows, she might be your love or soul mate."

"What the hell Aman? How can you say that? How can she be my love or soul mate? I love Khushi... I do not love any random girl. Do you know that?"

"If she is a random girl, if you are not in love with her; then why is she messaging you?"

"Oh god... Aman you know that she is crazy about me. She said she is in love with me."

"So what... you can still love her. She may be beautiful you know."

"Aman please stop it. Don't spoil my mood this morning. How can I know she is beautiful or not. I didn't even see her. How many times I have to tell you."

"You didn't see her? You don't know who she is? Then how can "Sneha" message you from "Choti's" number?" questioned Aman.

"What are you talking about Aman? Why are you eating my mind early morning?"

"You are this much dumbo, that's why she is playing with you. Did you see the number of your crazy lover's message?" Arnav nodded his head negatively, with irritated expression.

"Then first see, and then talk." Aman removed Arnav's mobile form Arnav's pocket, opened the message, and showed to Arnav. Arnav is shocked to see the message, which sent from Khushi's mobile. He is confused. He looked at Aman with expressionless face.

Aman sighed deeply and said "May be Khushi is your crazy lover. And may be she is shy or tensed to say her feelings to you directly. That's why she is doing all these. But I'm not sure. There is a chance for her friends too. They may take Khushi's mobile and message to you. We have to find out that, before it is too late. But remember don't force her for anything. She is not that type of girl who will say their heart out. We have to be careful."

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