Chapter 35

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       I couldn't stop panicking as we drove to the hospital. I was in labor. Two months early. Something had obviously gone wrong. But what? Oh, I knew I shouldn't have ignored the pains! Jim squeezed my hand as we pulled into the parking lot. I admired him for being so calm, though I guess he's dealt with this before.
        Jim grabbed a wheelchair and helped me into before wheeling me into the emergency room. We sped over to the desk and Jim frantically told the woman what had happened. Her eyes widened and she rushed off to get a nurse. We must have set a record for quickest wait, because within 5 minutes we had gotten a room. The nurse rushed me into the bed and quickly got an ultrasound. While we waited for the doctor, the nurse held my hand and instructed me too breathe.
        "Jenna, have you noticed anything else besides the pains?" Jim asked me. "Um, maybe. Now I think about, I did notice some bleeding." "And you didn't say anything!" Jim cried. "I've just been so frazzled! I know I should have mentioned it! Can we please get the doctor in here, it's getting worse." After another few minutes, the doctor came in. After a scan with the ultrasound, we found out what was wrong, a partial abruption of the males umbilical cord. "Is it serious?" I asked. "Not as much as a complete abruption. You're gonna have to have a c-section though." Jim answered. "Yup, I'll get her scheduled now." The doctor said. I held onto Jim and cried as we waited. I was just so worried about the babies. The nurse gave me some drugs too knock me out, and the last thing I remember before blacking out is Jim trying to  reassure me that it would be okay.
           When I woke up, Molly and Lulu were there. Molly was talking with her dad, but Lulu was looking glum. When she noticed I was awake, she rushed over to me. "Mama!" She exclaimed. "Lulu! Hi. How'd you get here?" I asked, still a little groggy. Aunt Dawn drove us." Lulu said. "Dawn's here?" I asked, looking at Jim. "She was. She had to go pick up her kid though. She said she'd be back later." Jim walked over to me and Molly followed him. "How are you?" He asked. "Tired. And sore. Did- did the babies-?" "They're fine." Jim assured me. "They got them out. The boy had it wrapped around his neck, but they untangled it. The doctor said that we could take the girl home as soon as she's fully developed, which is normal, but they're gonna keep the boy a little while longer to make sure he's okay." I nodded. "It'll be a little while though, right?" "Oh yeah, at least two months." "I thought you were going to die." Lulu said sadly. "Oh Lulu honey. I'm sorry I put you through that. But I'm okay, see? And the babies are too." "Speaking of babies, can we go see them?" Molly asked. I looked at Jim. "Can we?" "Not right now, but later."
        So after we were given the okay, Jim wheeled me over to the nicu, while Lulu and Molly followed. We were led to two little incubators, where the babies sat. They were both tiny, but the girl was slightly healthier than the boy. Jim explained that since the umbilical cord had been abrupted, the boy couldn't access food. I wheeled myself over and put a hand through each incubator. "Hi little ones. Oh my goodness, you're so tiny. It's okay though, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sorry you didn't bake enough, I guess you ready to come out though, except for you really didn't need too. You're both so beautiful though. And I'm gonna love being your mama, and my, will you be loved." I continued talking to the babies, before letting everyone else have a turn."
        After a while we went back, and we all chatted quietly as we went. "We can still do things with them even though they're preemies, right?" Molly asked. "Oh, of course honey." I said. "I'm going to be the best big sister!" Lulu exclaimed. "No, I will!" Molly said. Jim and I laughed as they argued, and I settled back in my bed. "What are they're names?" Molly asked. "You know, we didn't really think of names. We wanted to wait until they were born. What do you think they should be named?" I asked her. "Evan and Zoe." Molly replied. "Oh my god, that's such a theatre kid move Molly." Lulu said. "I think Carter and Avery are good names. They go nice with Pommater." "Yeah, those are great names Lu! What do you think Jim?" "I agree. Girl's got a talent for names. Are you cool with Lulu's pick Molly?" "Yeah."
      After a while everyone left, and I settled down for a much needed sleep.

Hello! QOTC: What are y'alls thoughts on Katherine McPhee? I personally think she's okay. Do you like the names? Was this chapter stressful? Let me know. Hope everyone's had a great week!

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