Chapter 15

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         One minute, Jim, Julie, and I were just hanging out on the couch, the next, we heard a loud scream. We all rushed outside, seeing Lulu sprawled out on the driveway, holding her arm, and Molly kneeling beside her, wailing hysterically. "What happened?" Jim and I asked in unison. "We playing soccer and the ball rolled on to  the driveway. Lulu went after it and I warned her to be careful, since it's icy, but she slipped! And it's all my fault! I should have never said we should play out here!" "It's fine Molly, it's not your fault." Jim assured her. "Yeah, I'm not mad at you." I told Molly as I rushed toward Lulu. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "I think my arm's broken." She admitted, wincing in pain. I swore loudly. I had no idea how to deal with insurance when we were in another state. "What's wrong?" Lulu asked me. "Nothing, I'm just worried about insurance." Jim heard me and assured me that he'd handle it. We helped Lulu up and drove her to the nearest ER.
          After an half an hour of waiting, we were finally seen. The x-rays revealed that Lulu's arm was indeed broken. When asked what color cast she wanted, Lulu looked at Molly and grinned. She looked the doctor straight in the eye and said "A plain white one." "Are you sure?" I asked her. "Yes." Lulu said. Molly realized what Lulu had done and grinned back at her. Once the cast was put on, Molly eagerly took the arm with the cast in it and wrote CONNOR on it. "Um, where are we supposed to sign, and what does Connor mean?" Jim asked. "On the back, and it's a Dear Evan Hansen reference." Lulu said. We all signed the cast, in small print, and went back to Julie's house. "You realize you can't play soccer now, right?" I asked her. "Yeah, I know, but Molly said she'd temporarily quit, so I won't be lonely." I laughed, but before I entered the house, Lulu whispered in my ear "Just because I'm happy now, doesn't mean I'm not still depressed." "Oh, I know, and I'll get you an appointment to see some one." Lulu nodded and went inside, followed by me. This was actually turning out to be a (mostly) good holiday after all.

Hi! I really love Anastasia, and my favorite song is Stay, I Pray You because it's so hauntingly beautiful. Have a good weekend!

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