Chapter 6

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Friday was the day of Lulu's first soccer team, and we were both exited as heck. Jim had offered to drive us, since we were both heading to the same place. "Now do you want me to drop you off or...?" He asked as we climbed into his car. "We can take the bus home." I replied. Jim turned to ask the girls something when he suddenly stopped and stared at me. "What?" I asked. "You're one of those soccer moms?" He asked. "Yeah, do you have a problem with that?" I retorted teasingly. "No it just- I just didn't expect you to be." He said. I was wearing a a shirt that said Go Bulldogs!and was carrying a sign that said Go Team! It wasn't anything too extreme. After a few minutes of driving, Molly suddenly cried out " Dad, can you drive a little faster?" We're going to be late!" "Did I say we were going to be late!" Jim snapped, clearly annoyed. "I wouldn't have left when we did if we were going late!" There were a few minutes of shocked silence since we weren't used to seeing this behavior from a usually kind, calm Jim. "What's wrong?" I asked him quietly. "I'll tell you at the game." He muttered. Oookayy I thought.
Once we had arrived at the game, the girls raced off to join their team and Jim and I got settled in the bleachers. "So what's the deal?" I asked him once again. "Francine." Jim replied. "What about her?" "She called me out of the blue yesterday, wanting to talk to me about something." He said. "And...?" I replied. "She said she wanted to change The custody agreement. She said she wants Molly half the time!" "What's so bad about that?" I asked. "It would never work!" Jim replied, clearly upset about the whole situation. "We can't do half if we live in two completely different states! It's not that I'm opposed to her having me more custody, but the only way we could make it work is if one of us moved. And, knowing her, I'd be moving." "Did you tell her that it wouldn't work?" I asked him. "Yeah, and she just yelled at me and hung up!" He cried. "Well, you can't just leave your clinic, could you give her more time in the summer?" I said. "I don't know Jenna, I just don't know."
Suddenly a whistle blew, and the game started! Lulu was a star kicker, and by the end of the game they had beat the other team 4-1! To celebrate, we all drove down the diner and had First Game pie, A combination of a lot of ever different fruit I could think of baked inside a traditional lattice top pie. The girls all had so much fun, and everyone agreed my pie was the best thing they had tasted. That night I went home, put Lulu to bed, and tried to brainstorm solutions to the Francine problem.

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