Chapter 5

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        I'd never admit it, but I was quite nervous about meeting Jim. I know I had no reason to be, but I still was. I was wearing my nice navy floral dress, with matching blue flats, and my hair pulled back into a half up half down style. The Starbucks were we met at was in the Redwood shopping district, which was one of those nice fancy places where there's all these stores with apartments that you can live in. Jim wasn't there when I arrived, so I scrolled through Facebook while I waited. After about 5 minutes, Jim ran up to me. "Sorry I'm late." He panted. "Molly wouldn't let me leave." "You left her alone?" I asked him. "Yeah." He answered. "I live here, so it's not like I'm faraway if she needs me." "Oh, well let's go get a table." I said. "Yes, let's." Jim agreed.
         We spent the whole night talking and laughing, and felt good to catch up with him. I realized how much I had missed him all these years. And I didn't mind the fact that I missed him either. It was nice talking to Jim, and I wanted more of it. More talking, more seeing each other, more reconnecting. Whoa. Was I actually thinking about dating Jim? It was a crazy thought, considering our history. But yeah, I was. I had a good life, I made good money, had a nice house, and had a child that I loved. But I wanted more. I wanted Jim. I wanted to be with him, to marry him, and start a family with him. He had loved me. Really, truely, loved me. And maybe he still does. I certainly still did.
             "Jenna." Jim said, shaking me out of my thoughts. "I asked if you wanted to do this again sometime." "What? Oh yes, of course." I replied. "Ok." Jim said. "Well, I'd love to stay longer, but I have to get back to Molly." "Yeah, I should probably get back too." I said. "Well, I'll text you when I want to meet up again." He said writing down his number. "Oh yeah, of course. Here's mine." After I picked up Lulu from Dawn's house and put her to bed once we got home, I couldn't help but lay in bed thinking about the night. It was the first truely good experience I'd had in a long while, and while I thought about it some more, I realized something. I was actually falling in love. Just then I came up with tomorrow's special pie. Falling in love... again pie.

Hello! I just wanted to thank everyone who reads my crappy story. It means so much that people read it, even if it does suck and follow the all to familiar plot line. I also wanted to tag leah_ann who's such a wonderful author and friend. Stay awesome and eat some pies everyone!

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