Chapter 36

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                      1 Year Later
     The sun baked down on us as we lounged around the backyard. It was the twins' first birthday and, apparently, an early summer as well. I smiled and observed the backyard.
       Jim was laughing with Ogie and grilling. Becky was tanning in the sun. Dawn was jumping between obsessing over my babies and yelling at her son. Lulu and Molly were swinging and laughing. And me? Well, I was taking it all in.
       Jim put the food on a plate a plate and called us for dinner. Everyone eagerly crowded around the picnic table and began to eat. We chatted between bites and laughed some more. This was my family. My big, loud, weird, and occasionally annoying family. And we were all really, truly, happy. I fed the twins and snorted when Lulu told what had happened at school on Friday.
      Finally, as the night grew closer and the air grew cooler, we all settled down. Everyone passed around presents and helped the twins open them. Lulu gave Carter and Avery their respective gifts and turned to me. "Can we have pie now?" She asked. Everyone laughed and I sighed. "After this Lu, ok?"  Jim and I thanked everyone for the gifts and I got out the pies. I had baked two, partly as a joke and partly because I wanted everyone to be fed. Of course, I called them Two of a Kind Peach Pie. I lit the candle and laughed as the twins stared at the light. We sang Happy Birthday and eagerly dug into the pie.
       After we had cleaned up and the night was beginning to come to a close, I sat back and reflected on the past year. A lot of things had changed, and it was a rollercoaster of emotions. I got pregnant. I reconnected with my true love. I married him. I bore his fruit. I know had four children. I dealt with the struggles of growing up. Okay, everything had changed. But I was okay with it, and that's all that matters.

Aaaaaaaannnd that's it. Sorry. But don't worry, I have more Waitress fics on the way. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what happens after this. Hope everyone's having a great summer! And happy pride! I'm still waiting for some fanart. Bye!

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