Chapter 32

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       I don't think I've ever woken up so early as I did the day of the Southern Spring Home and Garden Show. But there was, as well as Lulu (miraculously) up at, packing up the car, heading to probably one of the biggest press events in my life. I climbed into the car, and looked at Lulu. "You ready?" I asked her. "Yup, ready as ever. You sure you can handle this at this stage?" She asked me. "Yes. I'm sure."
          We drove for about 1, and a half hours before finally arriving. I got my vendor ticket and walked down to to the place where I would be cooking. A lady met us and explained what would be going on. "So this where it will be. Your show starts at 1, so you need to be down here by 12:30. This thing opens at 10, so you have plenty of time to look around and eat lunch."
         Lulu and I bought some cool things and ate a small lunch before heading down to the stage. The seats were pretty much empty, so Lulu and I put on our Aprons and got to work setting up.
          Soon it was 1 and just as I was getting out the last ingredients people started showing up. "Mama look!" Lulu said excitedly. "Wow, that's a lotta people." I said. I wasn't used to cooking in front of people, so I was kinda nervous, but when I looked at Lulu and saw how genuinely happy she looked, I was given the confidence I needed. "Hello everyone! My name is Jenna Schumer, soon to be Pomatter, and this is my daughter, Lulu. We, or rather I, run a small diner off of highway 27 called Lulu's Pie Diner. I am honored to be here today, and we will making a very special pie called Lulu's Lemonare Pie, which Lulu invented herself. Do you wanna explain how to make it Lulu?" I asked her. "Yeah!" Lulu said. Everybody laughed and I started getting the ingredients. 
        "Okay so, usually we make these as a bunch of mini pies, but we decided to make a big one and then hand out scoops of it, like in grocery store samples, since it's easier. So first your gonna need just a regular old pie crust, and for the filling your gonna need....." Lulu talked to the audience flawlessly, and I smiled as I realized I had a potential cooking show host on my hands. She seemed truly happy in the spotlight, and I was proud of that. Lulu soon finished the instructions, and we put the filling in the pie and put it in the oven. I took one that I had previously made but heated up in the oven out and began scooping out samples and handing them out. The pie was a huge hit, and I got a lot of new potential customers.
           Lulu and I packed up and hit the road. I drove and we laughed and jammed to the radio, and I admired the fact that this had been a truly successful day.

Concept: Waitress but with sandwiches instead of pies. Oh, and this book is gonna end soon, but I have other stories planned. And no, there won't be an epilogue, I'll leave what happens after up to you all. Bye!

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