Chapter 11

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I was in the kitchen. In front of me was a counter, ingredients for pie, and a recipe. I looked at the recipe and discovered there was a note written on it it said 'Jenna, fix your life. You deserve him and you know it. Apologize the way you know best. Be happy. Love, Mama.' I stared at the note confused. Why was Mama writing to me? What was in the recipe? I read the recipe 'Apology pie: 1 cup of sugar. 1 cup of butter, 1 cup of flour. Mix these together thoroughly and add 2.5 cups of I'm sorry raspberries. Add the final touch of I still love you, Jim. I'm just not ready dark chocolate. Mix and bake in a-' My dream was interrupted with a call of "Mama!" From Lulu.
I frantically raced into the bathroom. "What's wrong baby I'm here." I sputtered out. "I'm dying!" Lulu wailed. I have her a confused look before my eyes laid upon her panties. There was a spot of blood on them. Suddenly everything made sense. I couldn't help but laugh while Lulu glared at me. "This isn't funny." She grumbled. "No, you're right, it isn't." I said as I collected myself. "But you're not dying." "Then what's happening to me?" She asked. "Your getting your period." I explained. "It happens to almost every women, and it's perfectly normal. Your uterus, which is where the baby sits when your pregnant, sheds its lining every month since you didn't give it a baby. Some side effects are mood swings-" I looked at Lulu when I said this. "and cramps. To stop the blood from leaking, most women use pads or tampons. We can go buy you some in the store." In the meantime, why don't use some toilet paper temporarily while I run to the store to get you somethings, okay?" Lulu nodded and I helped her get settled on the couch.
When I returned, laden with pads and chocolate, Lulu was watching tv. "Hey, you're still grounded." I said. "I'm on my period." Lulu replied. I sighed. "Just this once." Lulu grinned and and got changed and I showed her how to put a pad on. As we sat on the couch I thought about my dream. Mama was right, I should fix this.
The next day, I dropped Lulu off at the diner and drove to the diner, carrying a heartfelt apology and an I'm Sorry pie. I stood at the door anxiously while I waited for Jim to answer. "Jenna?" He said as he opened the door. "What are you doing here?" "I came to apologize. And bring a pie." I added. "I was going to apologize too." Jim said. "For breaking up. I overreacted, and it was stupid. I'm sorry." "No, you had every right to be upset! It's my fault, I turned you down." "No it's mine. I should have known it was rushed." We argued who was to blame for a few minutes before Jim finally invited me inside. "Molly's home, just so you know." He told me as I sat down on the couch. He sat down next to me and we looked at each other. "I missed you." I muttered. "I missed you too." He replied. "So... hows the baby?" He asked after a few minutes. "It's good." I replied. "Do you mind if I'm not your doctor this time around?" Jim asked me. "I was actually gonna ask you that." I laughed. We both smiled. "Do you want to meet my parents for thanksgiving?" Jim blurted out. "Um, I guess." Suddenly Molly walked in. "Dad, the WiFi's out." She said. She noticed me and said "Oh, hi Jenna. What are you doing here?" "Talking to your daddy. What are you doin' here?" Molly stared at me and rolled her eyes. "I live here." Jim and I laughed. "Um, can the WiFi wait 5 minutes? I'm kind of busy." "I guess." Molly sighed, retreating back to her room. "So yeah, thanksgiving, definitely. Want my pie?" "I actually made you one..." Jim said sheepishly. "But it's pretty bad so." "No, I'm sure it's not!" I said, even though we both knew it was. "Here, we'll trade." We traded pies and then I headed out the door. "Bye, I'll talk to you later." I said. "Yeah, definitely. Bye." He kissed me good and hard before slowly shutting the door on me. I smiled, holding my very bad pie and my heart in my sleeve. We were a pretty good bad idea after all.

What do you think of the latest clue? What's up in your lives? How was the first day back? ( if your in school) Hows my story? Comment down below.

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