Chapter 17

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         We flew back on Friday, so naturally I spent nearly all of Saturday rushing around the diner, baking pies and trying to make up for being gone. I grabbed a slice of my special, Autumn Smiles pie and was halfway out of the kitchen door when I looked at Dawn. She was washing dishes, but she wasn't humming like she usually did. She had a sad look on her face, and I sighed. After our fight, I'd been so busy that I hadn't had time to even think about apologizing to her.
        I delivered the order and poked Dawn on the shoulder. "You got a minute?" I asked her. Dawn sighed. "I guess." "Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you. Between the lady coming and the baby, I was so stressed. Your right, I shouldn't have taken it out on you, I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?" Dawn looked at me, but then she smiled and hugged me. "Yeah, I forgive you. It's nice being your friend. Can I ask you something?" "Sure anything." I replied. "Do you know what's wrong with Lulu?" "Oh, well, Jim's Mother is a retired child psychologist, and she said that it seemed like Lulu's depressed. I'm trying to make an appointment with a therapist, but no one can fit us in right now." I told her. "Oh, well at least you know. Was your thanksgiving good?" "Yeah, was yours?" "Yes." Dawn and I talked some more while I baked pies. Just then Becky popped in and said, "Jenna, someone's calling."
          I ran to the phone and answered it. "Hello, thank you for calling Lulu's Pie Diner. This is Jenna Schumer speaking, how may I help you today?" "Hi Jenna." Molly said. "Molly?" I asked. "Why are you calling me?" "Oh, I was just wondering if I could ask you something." "Sure, go ahead." "Ok, so Christmas is coming up, and I was looking at tickets for Broadway shows, just because, and saw that tickets to Anastasia were pretty cheap, so I asked my dad if he could take me as a Christmas present. He said yes, but I said I wanted to take Lulu. My dad said he didn't know if you'd be comfortable with him taking Lulu, so I wanted to ask if that was alright." "Um, it's not that I don't trust your dad, but I would just feel better if I came along. And, also, I don't know if I can afford to take off more days, and Lulu might not want to go. Plus, I don't know if I can handle flying again." I told Molly. "Oh." Molly said sadly. "Don't be sad!" I said. "I'm sure I can figure out a schedule. And I can ask Lulu, and I've heard that trains are cheaper than flying, so we can do that!" "Okay, well I have to go. Let me know what Lulu says." Molly said before hanging up.
       I bustled around the diner before heading home. I'd let Lulu stay with a babysitter, since she didn't feel to good this morning. "Hey Lu." I greeted as I walked into the living room. "Do you feel better now?" "Yeah." Lulu said. I payed the babysitter and sat down next to Lulu. "Hey, I need to ask you something." I said. "Go ahead." Lulu replied. "Molly wanted to know if you wanted to see Anastasia on Broadway. I told her if you did, I'd have to come, but it's all up to you." Lulu thought for a minute before finally saying yes. "Great, I'll let you talk to her." I put Lulu on the phone with Molly and went into the kitchen to make dinner. I smiled to myself as I thought about my life so far. It had started out rough, but now everything was falling into place. Lulu had a friend, I had achieved my dream of opening my own pie diner, I was back with the love of my life, and even though there were still some rough patches, I was going to get through them one step at a time, we all where. Now the only thing left was marrying Jim. If only he would hurry up and propose.....

Hi! How's everyone's break going? Mines good so far. Just a fair warning, I'm going to be ending this story soon, but only so I can work on some new ones without feeling overwhelmed. Merry Christmas! Also, I would loose my virginity to Derek Klena, and I'm a lesbian.

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