Chapter 14

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             "Your Lulu seems like a nice girl." Julie told me early one morning. We were sitting at her kitchen table, which was of course lovely. Everybody else was asleep, so we it  was just us talking.
             "Oh well, I suppose she is here, but at home, she's another person."  Julie looked at me. "How so?" "Well she's so moody, all the time. She's angry, bitter, and I haven't seen her happy in weeks." "Well, I may be old, but I used to be a child psychologist, and if anything, I'd say your Lulu's depressed." "Depressed?" I questioned. "Yes, depressed." "Well, what can I do about it?" I asked Julie. "You can try to talk to her, take her to a therapist. You don't have to, but it's just a suggestion."  "No, I'll try it." I said. "I just want her to be happy again." Julie nodded, then left to go take a shower, leaving me to think about Lulu.
           It was later that day, and Lulu was just sitting on the couch. I saw it as my opportunity and sat down next to her. "Hi." I said. "Hi." She replied in that dull voice that I hated. "You know you can tell me anything right?" I said. "Yeah." Lulu replied. "Well, is there anything you want to tell me?" "No." Lulu told me. Then she looked at me and said "Well actually yeah, I do." "Okay, go ahead." I urged her. "I didn't want to believe what dad told me, but I had no reason not too. I was feeling crappy about myself, and I needed someone to blame. I've been feeling like this for awhile, and if I'm honest, I think I need to see someone." "What do you mean by 'crappy'?" I asked. "Ick." Lulu answered. "I feel sad and meh and like I don't matter." "Oh, Lulu, of course you matter. You matter to me, and to Jim, and Molly, and Coach Houlahan and all your teammates. I don't know why you'd feel that way, but I want you to know it's not at all true." Lulu nodded and leaned on too my shoulder and cried. "I just feel so awful all the time." She said. "I know, and I'm going to get you to someone who can make you feel good again." I told her as I rubbed Lulu's back. "And I promise, that no matter what happens between me, Jim, and the baby, I will always love you the most."
           Lulu cried some more and I continued stroking her back. Just then Molly burst into the living room. "Hey Lulu, wanna go play some soccer in the front yard with me?"  Lulu looked up at me. "It's okay, you don't have to go if you don't want to." "No, I think I want too." Lulu said. She got up and put her coat on and went outside with Molly. I smiled. I was going to help Lulu feel good again. Things were going to be okay. But of course, nothing good can ever last.

Hi! Just so you guys know, I tend to reflect myself and my feelings in my writing, so that's where Lulu's depression comes from. Also I had my first therapy appointment today. I think I like my therapist, she's funny. I also might be seeing DEH in July, so that's good. Hope everyone's having a good week!

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