Chapter 20

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       If there's one thing I'm not good at, it's gifts. I know what I want for myself, but when it comes too other people, I have no clue. That's why list are a life saver.
         Lulu  was going over to Jim's for a sleepover with Molly on Friday night, so I dropped her off at the soccer game and headed home. It hit me that for the first time since Lulu was born, I had a night to myself. I figured there were a few stores still open, so I went out to by some gifts. At the diner, we'll always do a small gift exchange, so I was buying for that. I was getting Dawn something, but I couldn't figure out what I could get her. It wasn't like I could ask her, so I had to call her home number and pray she didn't pick up.
        To my relief, her husband, Ogie picked up. "Hi." He said. "Who is it?" "Jenna." I answered. "Wondering what to get your wife for Christmas." "Well, I know she likes candles and bathbombs and stuff like that. And she likes NC state." "Okay, thanks. I'll get her a bottle of whine as well, since I know what it's like to raise a 6 year old." Ogie and I laughed and I hung up.
        I asked where I could find some bathbombs and got Dawn a pack of peach ones. I also got her a vanilla cream scented candle, and a large bottle of red wine.
        I checked out and plopped down on the couch. I was bored and too tired to bake a pie, so I called Jim. "Hi." He said. "What's up?" "How's Lulu?" I asked. "She's good. Her and Molly are watching Anastasia on Netflix and complaining about how the musical is so much better.(same) "What are you up too?" "I just got back from Christmas shopping, speaking of that, what do you and Molly want?" "Oh well, I don't really get presents anymore, but I can ask Molly what she wants." "Of course you get presents!" I cried out. "I'm getting you a present, and it won't be clothes! Again, what do you want?" "Well, some new dress shoes would be nice, and a new coffee maker." "Okay, good! And let me know what Molly wants." "I will. But most importantly, what do you want?" I blushed so hard I was sure Jim could see it through the phone. "Oh well, let's see, there's a new necklace, some chocolate, a new recipe book, a proposal." Jim laughed. "Okay, I get the message. I have to go, bye." "Bye, I love you." "I love you too." Jim hung up and I went to bed happy.

Hello. FYI, the whole pie thing last chapter was inspired by my dad dropping our pumpkin pie on the oven last weekend. Also, Betsy is leaving and I am forever upset. But I am grateful that I got to see her perform. And Christy Altomare is a MUCH prettier Anya, okay? She just is, it's a fact. Okay, that's all, bye.

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