Chapter 10

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         The next week was the worst. On Monday, I was late getting Lulu to and from school. On  Tuesday, the car broke down and I had to get a rental until the car is fixed. On Wednesday, Lulu got into a fight at school, suspended until next week because of said suspension, and she's off the soccer team until December. Oh, and I grounded her until Thanksgiving so Lulu hates me. Now it was Thursday and tomorrow someone from the New York Times was coming to give a review of the diner and still didn't know what I was gonna make.
        So yeah, I was having a bad week.
        "You have to make something." Dawn told me as I sulked back into the kitchen to fill an order. "I know that Dawn." I snapped at her. "But I have to make it tomorrow so it's fresh and I don't even know when the hell the lady's coming." "The baby's really getting to you, huh?" "Dawn." I hissed. But it was too late. Lulu had already heard. "What baby?" She cried out. "It's nothin' honey, go back to washing dishes." "Oh don't it's nothin' me." Lulu snapped, surprising me. Lulu had always been so sweet. I wasn't used to seeing this kind of behavior from her, and I didn't like it. "Excuse me?" I said. "You're pregnant, and you never even told me. Of course, you tell me anything." Becky, Dawn, and I stood there shocked. "It's just, I wasn't too happy about the baby, so I wanted to wait a little while." I said. "Just like you weren't happy about me?" I was shocked at Lulu's reply. "Lulu honey, why do you think I wasn't happy about you?" I asked. "Dad told me." "Dad?" I questioned, the color slowly draining from my face. "Yeah, He stopped by last night." Lulu said glaringly.               

      Breathing suddenly became harder. I had thought I was done with Earl. Sure of it. But here he was talking to my daughter, spreading lies. "What did he tell you?" I asked almost afraid to know. "He said you loved him more than me, that I was an accident." The accident part was true, and so was the other part, but I had only said it to make Earl happy, and it wasn't true now at all.
          "What else did he say?" I asked once again. "That you didn't want him around, that you hated him, and that you considered selling me." She spat. My jaw dropped. How did Earl Now about that? He must have heard me talking about it. I inhaled and tried not to cry. "Lulu," I began. "I hate you!" She yelled as she ran out the door. "I'll go after her." Becky said as she ran after Lulu. Dawn and I stood there shocked. Suddenly I turned to her and glared. "Look what you did!" Dawn's eyes welled up with tears. I knew she hated being yelled at, but right now I didn't care. "I didn't mean to!" She whimpered out. "Stop being such a baby!" I snapped at her. "Not every body can cater to your feelings!" Dawn stared at me. Then she did something shocking. Her face turned red with anger and she yelled at me. "Why are you being so mean! Just because you're having a bad time doesn't mean you can't take it out on everyone else! Put your problems in pies! Not people!" "What's the point of baking!?" I yelled back at her. "Baking's What got me in this mess in the first place!" Dawn glared at me. "I'm taking orders." She sniffed. "Cause I don't think I want to be around you right now!" I sighed and slumped against the counter. My week had gone from bad to worse.

Hey guys! Do you like this chapter? Why do you think Lulu's behaving like this? What's up with Jenna? Comment below! Also, I forget what chapter it was, but I'm eternally grateful for not receiving any homophobia on it. It proved to me there's still some good in the world.

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