Chapter 27

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      Soon, it was Christmas. Everyone was off work, and Jim and Molly were coming by a little later. I was the first one up, and when I did wake up, I had a feeling that today, nothing was going to go wrong. I smiled to myself and got up, wincing in pain when I did. My stomach had practically grown a size over night. It was obvious I was pregnant now, and I rubbed my belly since it was slightly swollen.
I walked into the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I knew from experience that Lulu was not a morning person, so I waited for her to wake up on her own. As I sipped my coffee, I realized that I was craving some chips. Wait, chips? I never crave chips, I'm a fry person, and I'd never eat them for breakfast. Then I remembered. Oh yeah, cravings start at 15 weeks. By the time Lulu had gotten up, I had finished my coffee.
"Hey Lu!" I greeted. "You ready to open your presents?" "Yeah." She answered. We both walked into the living room and sat down by the tree, where I had put the presents in two piles, one for Lulu and one for me. "Who's going first?" I asked. "Me I guess." Lulu answered. She took the first one and opened it, which was a pair of new pajamas. "Oh, cool, thanks." Lulu said. She moved on to the next one which was her new soccer ball. "Thanks! I've been wanting a new one!" Lulu cried out as she moved to hug me. She was clearly more exited about this than the clothes. Lulu opened the rest, which were some more clothes, and the pie tin, before she moved onto the final one. The iPhone. She tore off the wrapping paper, and looked at the box. "Wait, is this,-did you get me an iPhone?!" She asked excitedly, looking at me. I shrugged. "Open it and see!" Lulu took off the top of the box and squealed. "It is an iPhone!" She cried out. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She said as she hugged me again. "Don't get too excited, there's going to be some rules you have too follow." I said, bringing Lulu back down to earth. She groaned. "Okay, get it over with, what are they?" "Well, no buying anything without my permission, don't sign up for anything without my permission, absolutely no social media unless you have my permission. No phone in the room at night, and if I tell you to put it away, you put it away. And no phone until you've done your homework. Got it?" "Got it."
After that, we moved onto me. Jim had gotten a new pie tin as well, and nice pair of slippers. Most of my gifts are to myself, so I'd gotten some more clothes, which I actually get excited about. We cleaned up and I made breakfast. Around 10:30, Jim and Molly arrived. I'd put out there gifts, so after they added the ones too us, I let the girls hang out for a few minutes while I talked to Jim. "Hey." He said. "Merry Christmas. What's up?" "Oh, not much. I'm going over to Dawn's later. I'd offer to let you join us, but Dawn tends to get freaked out when unexpected guests arrive, and it's kinda late to let her know." Jim laughed. "I understand. We'll probably just hang out and watch movies. How are the twins?" "They're good. My belly grew overnight and is kinda swollen, but other than that they're fine." "Oh, are you sure you're okay? Let me feel your stomach." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Jim, I'm fine. Just a little swollen. And craving chips." Jim laughed again and then suddenly exclaimed "We should probably open presents." "Oh, yeah! Hey, girls? We're opening presents now!" Lulu and Molly ran into the living room and Jim and I sat down with them. We all laughed as we opened the gifts, and soon we had all finished and where setting down. "Okay, that's it, let's all clean up." "Um, we're not quite finished." Jim said. I turned around and saw that he was getting in one knee. "Oh Jim." I whispered. Molly and Lulu were standing there looking dumbstruck. "Jenna Schumer, will you please make me the happiest man I know and marry me? And please say yes this time." I laughed. "Yes, Jim Pomatter, I will marry you."

Hey! Sorry I've been inactive, I've been in the hospital this past week. Hope everyone is having a good day!

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