Chapter 8

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"So when did you do it?" Dawn asked me the next morning at the diner. "Do what?" Becky asked as well as she walked into the kitchen. "Jenna's pregnant." Dawn said dubiously (am I using it right?). "Again?" Becky laughed. "Yes, again." I snapped. "Well, when did ya do it?" Dawn asked me again. "Well, we've only been on two other dates." I began. "And the first one went as they usually do. But on the second one, he took me to his apartment, and after a drink or two. Well," I gulped. "We did it." "Are you gonna tell him?" Becky asked. "I don't know." I admitted. "I mean, we aren't married, and it was our third date. It's kind of scandalous." "Honey, everything about him is scandalous, you had an affair." Becky teased. I smiled. " I guess it is."
I thought about telling Jim all day. I guess I should, but I didn't want to. I finally decided that I should, so I called him. "Hey Jim, it's Jenna. I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight? The girls are practicing late, so I figured it would be a good time." "Um, yeah, of course! But can I ask why?" "Oh, I just have to talk to you about something. I have to go, love ya." "I love you too."
That night I put on a nice dress, put my hair up, and baked a special pie, just for Jim. Thanks for knocking me up pie. The door bell rang and I took a deep breath before opening it. "Hi, oh, wow, you look nice." Jim said. "Thank you." I replied. "Why don't you come in?" He walked and sat down on the couch. "So, what did you want to talk about?" "Oh, nothing much. Why don't we have pie first?" I grabbed the pie and we sat down to eat it. "Mmm, this is good. What's it called?" Jim asked. "Thanks for knocking me up pie." I answered. "Oh." He said. I waited for it to hit him. It took a few minutes before he finally said "OH. Wow, um, really?" "Yeah, really." I breathed out. "We should not have gotten drunk that night." He said. "Yeah, that was stupid." I agreed. "So, are you happy?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm happy. Are you?" "Yeah, of course, it's just, it was only our third date." "Accident baby's happen all the time." It's nothing we can't handle."
We sat in silence for a few minutes before I finally said "Do you love me Jim? Like really, truly love me?" "Of course, why would you think other wise?" Jim replied, clearly concerned. "Because I know we've only gone on 3 dates and I'm probably only saying this because of the baby, but would you marry me?" Jim looked at me before pulling me into him and kissing me hard. "Does that answer your question?" He asked me, grinning. I laughed and kissed him back. "Yes, it does." Suddenly I glanced at the clock. "Crap, we're late getting the kids!" "Well then let's hurry and go!" Jim cried as he raced out the door. "So, are we good?" I asked him as we drove to the school. "Yes, we're good." Jim replied. I turned and smiled to myself. We were good. And that was all that mattered.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Happy thanksgiving!

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