Chapter 7

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       It was a few Friday's later and I was watching Molly for the weekend so that Jim could go up to Connecticut and talk to Francine. The girls piled into the car and I greeted them. "Hey girls, ready to party at the cool house this weekend?" "Mama." Lulu said, glaring at me. "What?" I asked. "I'm just sayin', I'm not like a regular Mama, I'm cool Mama, so we can have fun. Right Lulu?" Lulu rolled her eyes. "Please stop talking." Molly laughed at the two of us. "It's fine Mrs. Schumer. I don't usually have fun with my mom, so I don't mind. What are we gonna do this weekend?" "Well," I said, a bit taken a back by what Molly had said. " I was thinking that tonight we could just order pizza and watch a movie. And then tomorrow we could go to the mall. And after dinner I could maybe teach you how to make a pie if you want to Molly." "Yeah!" Molly cried out. "I'd love too! But I can't have pizza, I'm lactose intolerant." Oh, well I can make spaghetti. Though I'm warnin' ya. There's a reason I only make pies."
          Later that night, as I was cooking in the kitchen, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on Lulu and Molly's conversation. "Do you like anybody?" Molly asked Lulu. It was an interesting subject change considering they were just arguing about what they were gonna be for Halloween. "Well, there is this one boy..." Lulu said. "Who?!" Molly cried out, and I leaned toward the living room to hear Lulu's answer. "William Huntley." She replied. "Ew, you like him?" Molly asked. "Yeah, do you like anyone?" "Well um..." Molly began. "I've never told anybody this but... I kind of.... like girls." "Oh." was all Lulu said. "That's all you're gonna say?! 'Oh?!'. You're not gonna be like 'Ew, so you have a crush on me?!'" "Nah." Lulu replied. "I'm not like that. And if you do have a crush on me, then great, I know I'm pretty." They both laughed and I smiled. I had raised my baby right. Just then the spaghetti was ready. "Girls, dinners ready!" I called out as I put the spaghetti in bowls and walked them over to the couch.
           After dinner and the movie was over, I turned to the girls. "So who wants to make pie?" I asked. "Ooh, I do!" Molly exclaimed as she jumped off the couch and raced towards the kitchen. I laughed as Lulu and I walked into it. "Okay so what can we make..." I muttered as I flipped through my pie book. "We could make Lulu's Lemon Meringue?" Lulu suggested. "That has milk in it honey." "Hey I know!" I cried out." How about I make my Dark, Dark Chocolate pie?" "Yeah!" The girls agreed. "You know what to get?"? I asked Lulu. "Yup. Sugar, Butter,Flour!" I laughed and we got to work.
           "And that, Molly," I said after the pie was in the oven and we were all covered in flour. "Is how you bake a pie. Now, why don't we all get cleaned up and put our PJ's on?" The girls got changed and we played some Jenga. Before I knew it, it was Sunday afternoon. Jim was going to be here soon to pick up Molly. We were all sitting on the floor, gossiping and laughing when the door bell rang. "I'll get it said as I went into the kitchen to get a special something. "And a Dark,Dark Chocolate pie?" I greeted Jim as I opened the door. "We ate most of it, but you can have the rest." He laughed. "Sure, why not." "Molly, you ready?" He asked her. "Yeah, come on Lulu." Molly said as she and Lulu walked out the door to Jim's car. "So how'd it go?" I asked him. "Well, there was a lot of arguing, but we finally reached an agreement." "That's good." I said. "So what's the agreement?" "Francine gets 1 week a month during the summer, and every other July 4th and Thanksgiving on top of the other holidays. It's not official yet, but it's something." Just then I felt a wave of nausea come over me. I grunted and held my stomach. "What's wrong?" Jim asked me. "It's nothing." I replied. "You should go." Jim gave me a look and then left. I stood there and held my stomach. Lulu came in and looked at me. "What's wrong Mama?" She asked. "It's nothing Lu. Why don't you go to your room for a few minutes while I handle something. "Okay?" Lulu said as she walked to her room. I grabbed my phone and raced toward the bathroom, throwing up the minute I reached the toilet. After I was done I called Dawn. "Yeah what's up?" She answered. "Dawn," I replied. "I think I might be pregnant."

Dun dun dun! Yeah I know, it's a chiche cliffhanger, but I had to end it somewhere. Anyway, here's a nice chapter after leah_ann 's awful one. *glares* Happy thanksgiving everyone!

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