Chapter 3

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"Okay, so am I picking you up from school or from the soccer field?" I asked Lulu as I dropped her off at school a few mornings later. Lulu rolled her eyes. "You're picking me up at the soccer field at school, Mama." I blinked. "What?" Lulu sighed. "Why don't you I just text you when I'm ready to be picked up, okay?" "Okay." I agreed. Now, say what you want about Lulu having a phone, but to me, it's fine. It's not anything fancy, just something she can contact me with in an emergency.
As I drove to the diner, I planned out the days special pie. Lulu's soccer tryouts go great pie. Melted white and dark chocolate in a graham cracker crust, no top. Yes, that would be the pie. That day at the diner flew by as it usually does. I bake pies, help serve and take orders, Becky, Dawn, and I talk about whats going on in our lives, I'm almost late picking up Lulu, you know, the usual. As I waited in the school parking lot, I texted Lulu.
Me: Where are you?
Lulu: Practice isn't over for another 1-1/2 hours, Mama.
Me: I thought you told me to pick you up around the usual time?
Lulu: *eye roll Emogi* no, I didn't.
Me:Well, can I come watch you?
Lulu: I guess. Gtg bye.
I sighed and walked down to the soccer field. Typical Jenna. I thought. I sat down on the bleachers and scanned the field for Lulu. I saw her sitting down on a bench, talking to a girl around her age that had nice, long, dark hair. I smiled. It seems like Lulu has finally made a friend. Suddenly the coach blew the whistle and motioned for Lulu to get onto the field. Lulu jumped up and ran onto the field, and before long she had scored a goal! (I have no idea how sports work sorry) It went on like this for awhile, with Lulu scoring goals faster than you could blink. (Again, sorry!) Eventually Lulu went back to the bench, looking quite proud of herself. The girl Lulu was talking to was also good, but Lulu was definitely the best one out there. After half an hour, Lulu walked up to me grinning like a fool. "Did you see me Mama?" She asked. "Coach Houlihan said I was incredible! The best she's ever seen!" "Yeah I did!" I replied. "You were awesome!" As we walked up to the car I asked Lulu who the girl she was talking to was. "Oh, that's Molly, Molly Pomater." "Oh?" I said. But internally I was thinking Oh sh*t Oh sh*t Oh sh*t! "Yeah, she's really nice." Lulu replied. "Um, let me just call Becky and let her know that she needs to close up for me and then we'll head home okay?" I told Lulu. "Okay." She replied.
The next morning I ran into the diner to tell Becky and Dawn about yesterday. "Becky, get Dawn and then meet me in the bathroom, I need to tell y'all something." We all piled into the bathroom, locking the door behind us as Cal yelled at us to get back to work. "Oh shut it Cal!" Becky yelled back. "This is Jenna's diner we can do what we want!" She then turned to me. "Okay Jenna, what's up?" "Yeah, what's going on?" Dawn asked. "Well, at Lulu's tryouts yesterday, she was talking to some girl, and I asked her who it was. But then she says her name was Molly. But this isn't just any Molly. No it's Molly Pomater. "And?" Dawn asked. "Oh, you know who I'm talkin' about. Dr. Jim Pomater, my doctor when I was pregnant and-" "And the guy you had an affair with." Becky said. "And that." I sighed. "Well do you not want Lulu to be friends with her?" Dawn asked me. "No it's not that." I said. "I'm fine with them being friends. But I mean, I'm going to have to see him at games, and when they have play dates. It's just gonna be so awkward. I mean, what if he doesn't even remember me? It's been 11 years. I thought he had moved back to Connecticut anyway?" "Oh he's been here forever. I used to see him at the office all the time when I was pregnant. I just didn't want to tell you 'cause it might be awkward." Dawn piped in. "Well it would've been nice to know." I muttered. "It'll be fine Jenna, you'll see." Becky told me. "Yeah, it'll be fine." Dawn said. "Now, we should get back to work." "Yeah." I agreed. "We should."

Surprise! I did get around to updating! What do you guys think? Will Lulu make the soccer team? Comment down below! Also, did you know that Dawn's pregnant at the end of the musical? Cause I didn't until I saw a post about it.

Everything Changes: A Waitress musical fan fictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora