Chapter 9

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           A few weeks after Halloween, Jim called me asking if I wanted to go out to eat. We'd been on two other dates before this one, but they had all felt rushed, like an excuse for the baby. Speaking of the baby, I was kind of ignoring it. I hadn't told Lulu yet, and I made my first doctors appointment without Jim knowing. It just didn't feel right do the situation it had been created in. I didn't really want too, but I went anyway.
           The date was at this fancy Italian restaurant called Mezzos. Jim and I sat at this table in the back, that was mostly lit by candlelight. We ordered and I made small talk, but something about the date didn't seem right. Jim seemed anxious and a bit too happy, and it scared me. Finally, after we had eaten, Jim cleared his throat. "Can I say something?" He asked. "Go ahead." I answered.  Jim got on one knee. "Jenna, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, other than my daughter. I've loved you for awhile, and I want to live out the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" I stood there in shock. "Um... I'm honored," "What?" Jim said with pain in his voice. "No. Jim I'm sorry, but it just feels to rushed. I don't think I'm ready to make that kind of commitment right now." "But you said..." He started. "I wasn't thinkin'. I was messed up from hormones from the baby. I'm really, truly sorry, but no." Jim stared at me for a minute before finally getting up. He grabbed his coat and said "I guess we're over then." "No we're not over." I said softly. "We can still be together, just not like... that." "Well I'm not sure I want to be." Jim snapped as he stormed out. "Jim wait!" I called out. "You forgot the box!" But he was already gone. Everyone in the restaurant stared at me. Some were glaring. I grabbed the box with the ring and ran outside. I bought a bus ticket since Jim had drove me and I cried. I cried and cried and cried. Maybe this whole thing had been a bad idea after all. A really bad one.

Hey guys! I wrote this chapter to show that Jimenna (that's their ship name!) isn't so perfect like everyone seems to think they are. I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving, and I'll try and update again soon.

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