Chapter 16

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       The next day was Thanksgiving, so we all spent the morning watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. After that, we all took showers and got dressed, and Julie and I spent the rest of the morning rushing around the kitchen. Her, making last minute food, and me, helping her and heating up my pie.
        It was finally one, and we all settled down to eat. We ate and talked and ate and talked some more. "That's quite, a lot of food Jenna." Julie said. "Are you sure you can eat it all?" "Oh I'm sure she can." Molly said, much to my horror. "Molly!" Jim and I hissed, but it was too late, Julie had already heard. "What does Molly mean?" Julie questioned, looking at me. "Oh well, we may have gotten really drunk one night, and erm, messed around." Jim and I muttered, both of us bright red with embarrassment. Julie laughed, to much our suprise. "It's okay, I'm not mad. I figured it would happen eventually." "Mom!" Jim cried out. Before laughing. "So when are you planning on tying the not?" Julie asked us. "Well, I'm not sure yet, because Jenna wants to be sure she's ready, but hopefully not to much longer." Jim said, looking at me. I smiled, assuring him that I was fine with his answer.
        We all finished eating, and I explained to Julie how I make such good pies, and we all just hung out and went to bed. That night, as Jim and I got ready for bed, Jim asked me a question. "Do you like my mom?" He asked. "She's wonderful." I said. "And don't get any ideas yet, but I would be honored to be her daughter-in-law."Jim smiled and we both climbed into bed. While he immediately fell asleep. I stayed up, thinking about what I had said. 
          Was I really ready to be an official part of Jim's life? We already had a child on the way, and I really did love him. And I loved his family, with sweet little Molly, who was a great friend to Lulu, and kind hearted Julie, who didn't judge, and was wise and supportive. And Lulu liked them all, which mattered most of all. Yes, I decided, I was ready to become Jenna Pomatter, for now,until the end of time.

Hi! How's the story? Did Jenna make the right decision? Also, if you have an Instagram, feel free to follow me @merry_4ever152. And check out my other story All You Need Us For Somebody to Find You!

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