Chapter 18

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    It was the first Sunday of December, which meant it was time for my favorite tradition, decorating the diner for the holidays. Usually it was just Becky, Dawn, Cal, Lulu and I, But since I considered Jim and Molly part of the family, I invited them too. Becky got the boxes down from the attic, and Jim volunteered to get the tree down. He helped me set up the tree in the front window, and then we all got to work.
        We let Molly and Lulu decorate the tree, while Jim, Becky, and I hung up garland all around the diner. Dawn put the little paper trees we made every year on the tables, and Cal helped the girls decorate the top part of the tree. We all worked around the diner, humming, singing, laughing, talking, and just being generally merry. Just then Molly asked if she could play some music. "Sure." I answered. "Why don't you play this Dear Evan Hansen music, I'm interested in hearing it." "Oh, well, um, I don't really know if I should." Molly muttered nervously. Jim and I whipped around. "What do you mean you really shouldn't?" We both questioned simultaneously. "Is Dear Evan Hansen inappropriate?!" "Well, um, in the show, there's quite a bit of swearing, and, Jared makes some inappropriate comments, and there's mentions of drugs, and um, other stuff. But it's not anything R rated or anything, more like PG-13. Jim sighed. "Molly, you should've asked before you listened to it, you know my rules about music. Not to mention asked Jenna before you let Lulu listen too." "I know, and I'm sorry, but it's really not that bad. You can listen to it once we get home and decide for yourselves. It's not like Heathers or Be More Chill, which after giving them a listen, I've decided to save  for High School."
        Jim and I quietly discussed it and agreed that we would listen at home, and then go from there. (Are you guys catching my references to other musicals?) We finished decorating around 5 pm, so after we finished we all went back to our homes.
        Once I got home, I went onto my computer and looked up Dear Evan Hansen. I ended up watching the bootleg, which I later on learned was technically illegal, but wasn't the worst thing out there. The show was quite good, and I ended up sitting at my computer sobbing over this, poor, anxious boy and a lie that went too far. (Don't  we all)And while it was kind of inappropriate, it was nothing worse then what they hear from the 8th graders. I called up Jim and we both agreed that it wasn't that bad, and that the girls could still listen to it. After that I went to bed.
................................................................                       The next day was my 12 week appointment, so around three I picked up Lulu, dropped her off at the diner, and met up with Jim at the doctors office. We went in and I got settled, and then I got one of the biggest shocks of my life. The doctor did the ultrasound and checked that everything was okay, but then he said something that made Jim and I almost die. "Well, everything seems to be good..." The doctor said. "And, by golly, look at that. It seems that your having twins!" "Twins?!" Jim and I cried out. "Yep, do you wanna see?" Jim and I looked at the ultrasound monitor, and sure enough, on the screen, where two small blobs of baby. We where both so shocked that we ended up just muttering a quick goodbye and driving off as fast as we could. I was shocked most of all. I couldn't believe that I had some how managed to create not just one accident, but two! No I had only question left. What was I gonna do?

Dun dun dun! Merry Christmas Eve guys! And if you don't believe in Santa, just remember he's Derek Klena' s Dad so you better believe in him lol. And remember how I said I was going to see DEH? Well I think I'm going to see Anastasia instead because it's cheaper and DEH is going on tour in 2019, so I can just see it then. It won't be the same, but still. Happy holidays!

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