Chapter 22

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     I came into the diner still crying. Dawn noticed and came up too me. "Jenna what's wrong?" She asked. I ignored her question. "Can you get me my pie pan? I need to make a pie." Dawn got it for me and walked out of the kitchen, but not before giving me a worried look. I pounded and kneaded at some regular dough, too upset to come up with an actual crust. I fixed it into the pan and got to work on the ingredients. I cracked some eggs into a bowl, scrambling them and adding everything spicy thing I could think of. Pepper, chili powder, actual peppers, chorizo, and huevos ranchos. The scrambled eggs for my scrambled mind, and spicyness for my heated mood. I decided to bake the pie crust separately and add the scrambled eggs. It probably wouldn't be that good, but I didn't care. I went up to the menu board and furiously scrawled What the Hell am I Doing Wrong? Pie and stomped of to the bathroom.
           After a few minutes I heard a knock and Dawn's voice say "Jenna, it's us. We just want to talk." "Go away." I snapped. Becky spoke up this time. "Jenna honey, please talk to us. I know your upset, but it'd really do you good if you talked to us." Cal hollared from the kitchen "What's goin' on back there?" "Jenna's going through a midlife crisis." Dawn replied. I snorted and unlocked the door, letting them in. They both shuffled in and locked the door. "So, what's up?" Dawn asked. "Well, I thought I was a good mother, but I thought wrong." I answered. "If it helps, sometimes John will yell and say he hates me when I make him clean up toys. I used to get upset about it, but then I realized that it's him, not me, so now whenever he says that, I'll just respond with 'Okay.' And let him deal with that." I laughed. "That's great, Dawn, but not really what I need." "Oh." Was all Dawn said. "Well, I'm no mother, but I think I know what do." Becky said. "Really,what?" I asked. "Well, it all started with Earl right?" Becky asked. I nodded. "I think she's harnessing all these bitter thoughts about you and Earl, and she doesn't know what to do with them. You need to sit her down and explain it all in the way you deem most appropriate." I thought about it. "Yeah, that's  a great idea." I'll do it as soon as I get home." Becky smiled and we all hugged, and I spent the rest of my day serving and baking pies.

Helllllloooo. What do you think of Becky's idea? What's your favorite Waitress song(s). Mine are WBCD, Bad Idea, and SUTBM. I have school tomorrow, wish me luck!

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