Chapter 33

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      The rest of March passed and it was the second week of April by the time we finally got around to moving. I insisted on helping pack, so after we loaded up the moving van, Jim and I got in our cars and drove to the new house. We met each other in the driveway and us and the girls all walked in. Molly and Lulu both immediately started on up the stairs, picking out there rooms. Jim and laughed and looked at each other. "Well, you ready to get to work?" I asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." Jim responded.
          It took a little over two weeks to get settled. Cal and Becky came over to help a few times, which Jim and I appreciated. Finally though, we got settled in. It was the end of April, which also meant the beginning of the beginning of my 6th month, as the well as the month before my pre-wedding wedding, as we were calling it. I was huge now, and I felt it. My ankles were starting to swell up, and I was really tired. I was also developing occasional sharp pains in my stomach, but I kept that to myself since I didn't want to worry Jim.
        One day I was bustling around the diner as usual when Dawn popped in. "Hey Jenna can I ask you something?" She asked me. "Sure hon go right ahead." "Are you free this Sunday afternoon?" "Um, sure I guess. Why?" "Oh, just wonderin'." I gave Dawn a look but let it go. "How's your baby doing?" I asked her. "Good so far. I'm a little sicker than last time but other wise I'm good." I nodded and turned back to my pie. "What are you baking today?" Dawn asked. "Georgia peach pie. Fresh peaches with a hint of strawberry inside of a flaky butter milk crust." "Mmm. Delicious. Well I have a shift to finish and then a doctors appointment, so I'll see you Sunday!" "Ok bye!" I called out. I put my pie in the oven and went off to do my shift.
         Sunday came around and I sat in the car nervously as Jim drove Lulu and I too the diner. "Thanks for driving us. I know Molly's sick, you didn't have too." "It's fine. I was planning on coming anyway. You'll have your car back from the shop Monday morning right?" "Yup. Again thanks. I'll take the bus home. I hope Molly feels better! Love you." "Love you too."
          I walked into the diner to find it dark and completely empty. Lulu walked up and stopped. "Oh, it's empty." She said. "Yeah. I wonder why Dawn had me-" Suddenly the lights flickered on and there was a loud cry of "SUPRISE!"
          It turned out Dawn had planned a surprise baby shower for me. She had gotten everyone together and had them bring food, gifts, and games, all in honor of me. I thanked Dawn profusely as she led me into a rocking chair, or as she called it, the seat of honor. I sat down and Dawn began ordering everybody around. "Dawn, thank you oh so much. You absolutely did not have to do this." "It's my pleasure. I know you had some stuff left over from when Lulu was a baby, but I wanted to something nice and make sure you got the things you didn't have." Dawn walked off and I called Lulu over. "What's up?" She asked me. "Come sit in my lap and let's talk for a minute." After realizing that Lulu could no longer do that, I had her sit next to me and we talked. "I know it's hard, being in middle school, and dealing with all these changes. And I know I've never really asked you about how you feel about them. I'm sorry, I should have. But I am going to try harder to talk to you and listen. So, are you okay with me having babies and marrying Jim? Cause I can't really stop the babies, but I can stop the wedding if you aren't okay with it." Lulu thought for a few minutes. "It is a lot to deal with." She said. "But, I am getting used to it, and I'm realizing that changes can be good. I'm going to have an awesome stepdad, my best friend as my sister, and I'm getting to live in a much bigger and better house. And although I could do without two screaming babies at three am, they hopefully won't be screaming forever, and having a little brother and sister will be pretty cool. I laughed and kissed Lulu on the forehead. "I'm glad to here that. And I promise that you are always my top priority. I love you more than pie, and I'm going to listen to you when you want to talk. Now, let's go eat, shall we?" Lulu smiled. "We shall."
           That night I went home and Lulu helped me add the new stuff to the nursery. We ate some leftovers and watched Dear Evan Hansen, and then I sent her off to bed. I took a shower and climbed into bed, only to stop and wince in pain. The pains in my belly were getting stronger and starting to feel like knives. I didn't think I was going into labor, since they weren't getting closer together, but still it worried me. I eventually shook it off and fell asleep.

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't written lately. My mental state has sucked and I've been busy. Bye for now!

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