Chapter 29

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    January bustled by as it usually does, and soon it was time for me, Jim, and the girls to head to New York to see Anastasia. Molly was excited as ever, and even Lulu was smiling and laughing for once. We ended up flying, which I was less than pleased about, but had no choice but to do it. We arrived in New York 3 hours later, and we were all exhausted. I eagerly ran to the hotel room and plopped down on the bed. Jim came tottering in a few minutes later, carrying our luggage, followed by Molly and Lulu. "Hey girls? It's pretty late on top of the jet lag, so you should try and go to sleep, okay? We have a big day tomorrow." The girls groaned, but put on their pajamas and went to bed.
     Jim and I also got ready for bed, but I couldn't sleep. Partly because of the human beings in my stomach, and partly because of the fact I needed to ask Jim about what Lulu had said. I made sure the girls were asleep before I turned towards Jim and woke him up. "Hey, Jim?" I asked quietly. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, Jenna. Go ahead." He replied, suddenly much more awake. "Do-Do you really truly love me?" I asked, unsure if I wanted to here the answer. "Of course I do honey. I proposed to you, twice! Why would you ever think other wise?" "Well, it's just that, Lulu expressed to me her concerns about-about you cheating on me. I told her not to worry, but I wonder about it myself." "Ah." Jim said after a moment. "I see." "You every right to worry about that, but Jenna, I assure you, I would never cheat on you. And if I did, I give you permission to beat my a**. Francine, was complicated. Our parents were friends, and you could consider our marriage arranged. We did love each other, but I never loved her the way I love you. After a while, I became frustrated with my life with Francine. She was so controlling, it was always what she wanted, not me. I needed someone who made me feel comfortable with myself, in control, and that person was you. I love you Jenna, not just love you. Okay?" "Okay." I replied, relieved. I went to sleep much happier than before.
       The next day was filled with rushing, rushing to eat breakfast, rushing out of the hotel, rushing to the theatre. The show didn't start till two, so we stopped at a Panera Bread to eat lunch. After that we headed to the theatre. After waiting in line for half an hour and waiting another ten minutes while Molly and Lulu picked out their merchandise, we finally made it to our seats. I eagerly sank down, and we all listened to Molly tell us everything we needed to know about Anastasia. Soon, the lights dimmed, and the curtain rose. The show had begun.
      I don't think I ever witnessed anything so beautiful since the day Lulu was born. The show was amazing and I was speechless about how good it was. Lulu and Molly stagedoored, and Jim and I laughed as they geeked out over the actors. We took their pictures and headed back to the hotel, where we laughed about what had happened during the day and went to bed, none of us wanting to leave the next day.

Hey! QOTC: Have you seen Waitress live? Tour does count. Also, I literally just published an Anastasia fic, and I'd appreciate if you checked it out! The first chapters kinda boring, but I promise, it gets better after that. Thanks!

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