Chapter 21

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   The next day I picked up Lulu. Jim greeted me at the door and gave me Molly's list. "Wow, long. She does realize that Anastasia is the big  gift for both of them from both of us, right?" "Yeah, I told her that. She knows, but she still feels a need to put down 20 different things anyway. It gives you lots of options though!" "Yep, it certainly does! Well, I've gotta go. Lulu, are you ready?" "Yeah." Lulu grumbled, grabbing her stuff and stomping out the door. I raised an eyebrow at Jim. "Did she wake up like this or...?" "Yeah, it's weird. She was fine yesterday, but then she woke up in a mood." "Sorry." I said. "No it's fine, I know it's not your fault." "Well like I said, I've gotta go. Bye." I said, kissing Jim. "Bye." He said. "Bye!" Molly called out from the couch. "Bye!"
       Lulu and I got into the car. "Hey, Lu, are you okay?" I asked. "Grand." Lulu snapped. "Did something cause this mood, or did it just happen?" "It just  happened." I sighed. "Did you make me a Christmas list?" "Oh, yeah." Lulu said, handing me a list. On it were some clothes, make up, and her own pie pan. Well, that was easy. "Do you need anything from the house? Cause I'm not leaving you home today?" "But you'll usually-" I cut off Lulu's whining. "Well, today I want you around. I'm tired of not seeing you. So get what you need and then let's go."
       I should have known to follow her inside, because after 10 minutes, Lulu still hadn't come back outside. I sighed. I hated when she did this. I stomped inside and knocked on Lulu's bedroom door. "Lulu honey, we have to go." "Okay, go ahead." Lulu snapped from the other side." "Lulu, I'm not playing. I'm not leaving you here. Your coming to the diner with me and that's final." "Why should you care where I am!" Lulu yelled at me, slamming her door open. "Even when I'm at the diner with you, your to busy cooking and talking with Aunt Dawn and Becky to pay attention to me!" "That's not true!" I cried out, my voice straining. "I love hanging out with you. But I have a job to do too." "Oh what's that, the gossip column?" Lulu spat. "I know perfectly well that you talk about me. And if Molly's So much better than me, then why don't you just adopt her, and give me to Dad. We can start our own club, the "Jenna Schumer Doesn't Give A Crap About Us Club"! I inhaled sharply. "Lulu..." I said in my warning voice. "Oh don't bother trying. It's true and you know it!" I had had enough. "I am your mother Lulu! Your MOTHER! YOU ARE THE ONE GOOD THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME! I love you more than anyone. More than Jim, our Molly, or even pie! I know I'm not the greatest mother, but I'm trying! And yeah, I might have said that Molly's a better child than you, but it's because you frustrate me sometimes. I don't mean it. I'm sorry that you feel so awful all the time, but you can't take it out on everyone else! I'm going to get you a therapist, okay? I'm going to. The least you can do for me is to just come."
         Lulu looked at me. After a minute or two, she said "I have homework." And shut the door in my face. "Fine! Be a brat if you want! See if I care!" I snapped. I then turned around storming out of the house and slamming the front door behind me. I got into my car and sped off toward the diner, crying like I never had before.

Hey. Wow, that was tough. I was honestly crying while I wrote that. My fellow DEH fans know where that came from, but still wow. I'm feeling a little better today, which is good. Who's your favorite Waitress character? Mine is Jenna. Goodbye, have fun being as miserable as I am.

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